Britain has become the laughingstock of the international press as Liz Truss resigned today after her leadership went “from silly to terrible” amid daily scenes of “complete anarchy” in parliament.
From Australia to the United States, Ireland to India, and throughout continental Europe, column inches have been filled with ridicule of both ‘hopeless and hapless’ Truss and a Tory party doomed by its own stupidity.
From the tone was anything but upbeat. Many appeared startled that the British parliament, a ‘temple of democracy and the oldest traditions,’ had been reduced to a ‘circus’ that, according to one commentator, threatens to transform the esteemed United Kingdom into a ‘Banana Republic.’
Today, when Truss announced her resignation to the British public after just 44 days in office, international media reported that “political turmoil in the UK persists.”
Since Truss’s ‘fiscal event’ unleashed a wrecking ball on the financial markets, pundits have been left to head-shaking amazement at each new turn in the ever-deepening ‘farce’
Le Monde, one of the leading newspapers in France, said that Truss resigned as Prime Minister following the “debacle” involving her “mini-budget” and calls for her resignation.
And now that Truss has quit, the ‘chaos’ continues, according to the German daily Bild.
The French daily Liberation used the title, “Liz Truss resigns, political upheaval in the United Kingdom.”
Today, when Truss announced her resignation to the British public after only 44 days in office, international media reported that “political instability persists in the UK.”
Liz Truss resigned today after her leadership went ‘from silly to outrageous’ amid daily scenes of ‘abject pandemonium’ in parliament, and the United Kingdom has become the laughingstock of the international press.
Today, when Truss announced her resignation to the British public after only 44 days in office, international media reported that “political instability persists in the UK.”
And now that Truss has quit, the ‘chaos’ continues, according to the German daily Bild.
Le Monde, one of the leading newspapers in France, said that Truss resigned as Prime Minister following the “debacle” surrounding her “mini-budget” and calls for her resignation.
Before Truss announced her retirement, The Hindu noted that Britain is quickly becoming a “warning tale” about the consequences of “poor politics.”
Rob Harris, writing for the Sydney Morning Herald, summed up Wednesday night’s fracas in the House of Commons by stating that Truss’s reign had become “absolutely farcical.”
“Liz Truss’s premiership has been effectively over for days, if not weeks,” he said, “yet tragically she has not yet been put out of her agony.”
“Without a doubt, it will happen. And for everyone’s benefit, it ought to go quickly.
Liberation noticed “something sour in the Tory tea,” stating that the “circus we have come to expect” had fallen into “absolute, total, and abject anarchy.”
Britain has become the laughingstock of the international press as Liz Truss’s leadership moves “from silly to terrible” amid daily scenes of “complete mayhem” in parliament. Pictured: Le Monde, one of the leading daily newspapers in France, stated that Truss is now a Prime Minister “without authority or a political doctrine” because she has abandoned nearly all of her major goals since assuming power.
The Hindu newspaper claimed that Britain is quickly becoming a cautionary tale about the impact of “poor politics.”
Rob Harris of the Sydney Morning Herald summed up last night’s fracas in the House of Commons by stating that Truss’s rule had become “beyond farcical.”
The Irish Times reacted to the second political drama of the day, the resignation of Home Secretary Suella Braverman, by stating that it demonstrated that Truss is not near escaping the prison that her tax-cutting obsession has left her in.
“The Parliament of Westminster, temple of democracy and the oldest traditions, but also the most calm and genteel, witnessed simply bizarre events” as ministers were “manhandled” through the voting lobbies, according to the tabloid.
The Irish Times reacted to the other major event of the day, the resignation of Home Secretary Suella Braverman, by stating that it proved ‘that Truss is not near escaping the prison that her tax-cutting obsession has left her in.’
The columnist Martin Kettle said, “These positions were once referred regarded as some of the greatest state offices.
The party has been reduced by its own stupidity to an ongoing ministerial relay race and permanent leadership campaign in which batons are handed, dropped, and replaced.
He concluded that the Conservatives are an unruly party that is more incapable than ever of governing the country.
The Italian newspaper La Repubblica compared the Truss administration to a sinking ship desperately dumping ballast overboard.
A French daily newspaper, Liberation, found “something sour in the Tory tea,” stating that the “circus we have grown accustomed to” had degenerated into “absolute, utter, and abject disorder.”
El Colombiano, a Colombian daily newspaper, dubbed the Prime Minister “Liz Truss the Brief.”
Le Monde, one of the leading newspapers in France, concurred, stating that Truss is now a Prime Minister “without authority or a political doctrine” because she has abandoned nearly all of her major ideas since into office.
How much longer can she hold on? was the question posed by the normally pro-Conservative German tabloid Bild as it described a ‘haywire’ evening in parliament that’strained Tory nerves to the breaking point’
The report continued, ‘The government situation in London, which has been simmering for weeks, has deteriorated significantly.’
The Italian newspaper La Repubblica compared the Truss administration to a sinking ship desperately dumping ballast overboard.
El Colombiano, a Colombian daily newspaper, dubbed the Prime Minister “Liz Truss the Brief.”
It stated, “What is occurring in the United Kingdom is an interesting hard landing practice.”
“Liz Truss, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for only six weeks, has managed to drive her party and the country into an unprecedented fiasco. And at such a rate.
Truss epitomizes what it means to go against common sense by clinging to her dogma and being disconnected from the reality of the country.
It continued: ‘She is not alone; behind her is the entire obstinacy of a Conservative Party that felt that by backing Brexit and severing ties with the European Union, they might regain the empire they once ruled.
That is not the truth. This train departed a very long time ago.
Truss is currently involved in an increasingly desperate struggle for survival as the chairman of the 1922 committee entered Downing Street for discussions.
Sir Graham Brady is meeting with the Prime Minister at No. 10 following 24 hours of chaos that saw the Home Secretary resign, uncertainty as to whether the Chief Whip followed her out the door, and MPs brawling in Commons voting lobbies.
According to No10 insiders, the prime minister brought the party shop steward in for a conversation after a “tough day,” but she denied that she intends to retire.
The confrontation occurs as a number of hitherto loyal lawmakers join calls for her resignation. Even Cabinet ministers who support the scenario have conceded that it is “terminal.”