Democrats want to replace Biden like the British Tories did with Liz Truss, according to MEGHAN MCCAIN

The prime minister of the United Kingdom has been ousted by the Conservative Party. Democrats in the United States must be envious. If they could, they would also throw Joe Biden over the railing.

For American viewers at home, here is a summary of British politics.

Prime Minister Liz Truss was only in office for 44 days, the shortest tenure of any British prime minister in history. And the international community finds American politics disgusting.

In American political parlance, she lasted 4.1 “Scaramuccis.”

Obviously, that’s Anthony Scaramucci. He served as President Donald Trump’s press secretary for less than two weeks before being fired.

In essence, Truss advocated for a low-tax, high-spending agenda. The markets were frightened, and the British pound fell precipitously.

As the saying goes, the truss collapsed like a cheap suit. She retracted her idea and fired her advisors, but to no avail.

On Wednesday evening, her party expressed their lack of confidence in her leadership, prompting her resignation.

What did not make headlines was the fact that the Democratic party conducted its own startling vote of no confidence on President Joe Biden. And the president feels really sensitive about the matter.

Let me explain… Clearly, the British and American electoral systems are distinct.

In the United States, the people elect the president, and then we’re stuck with him for four years, for better or worse.

However, at the midpoint of the president’s term, there are elections known as the midterms. They are essential.

The midterm elections can make or break a presidency, and this year’s elections are especially crucial because Republicans are expected to take control of the House and possibly the Senate.

You would expect Biden to be on the campaign trail, shaking hands and kissing newborns in an effort to excite Democratic voters and propel his candidates to victory.

However, Joe Biden cannot be found. Why is this the case?

Even the New York Times staff was stunned by this.

The NYTimes stated that Mr. Biden has not held a campaign event since before Labor Day, despite the fact that his agenda and political career are at stake in the midterm elections.

It is a rather low-key campaign effort by a president facing what could be one of the most severe setbacks of his political career.

Instead, former President Obama is campaigning in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Las Vegas – locations in pivotal, must-hold states for the Democrats.

Thursday, Biden will be in Pennsylvania to support John Fetterman’s Senate campaign. However, there will not be a large event depicting Biden and Fetterman embracing in front of a large crowd of supporters.

Biden will deliver a speech on infrastructure, followed by a reception with invited guests. Exciting!

As he exited the White House on Thursday, a reporter asked Vice President Biden about this atypical midterm campaign schedule, and he did not like it one bit.

Before Biden cut her off, the reporter stated, “There haven’t been that many candidates campaigning with you…”

“That’s not true!” he exclaimed indignantly. There have been fifteen. “Count, child, count”

Sensitive, touchy.

We are all aware that Vice President Biden is extremely unpopular. However, he is not more unpopular than Obama or Trump were at this point in their respective administrations.

Yet, according to the New York Times, Trump hosted 26 rallies in October 2018 compared to Obama’s 16 in October 2010.

It is evident what is occurring here.

Biden is receiving the Liz Truss approach. Democrats lack confidence in him as their party’s leader. In reality, they wish to maintain the greatest possible distance from him.

What is it about Biden that bothers Democrats? There are a few things, to be sure.

Even his staff lacks the confidence to allow him to speak spontaneously or without a teleprompter.

Remember when a White House employee dressed as an Easter bunny led him away from a crowd? Or when we referred to a defunct congresswoman during a public event?

His gaffes are getting wilder and worse.

We cannot turn aside and act as if nothing is wrong when he claims his darling son was killed in Iraq, when Beau died of cancer in the United States.

Two, President Biden and his administration have made it abundantly apparent that they despise fifty percent of the country.

Remember his apocalyptic address in Philadelphia?

This is not an effective concluding statement when attempting to win over persuadable voters.

Biden has made it obvious how dangerous and abhorrent he finds “MAGA Republicans”

Except that Biden himself won the 2020 race in part due to his ability to connect with blue-collar Americans who voted for Obama in 2012 but chose Trump in 2016.

These kind of voters are prevalent in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Georgia.

Now, Biden has utterly eliminated any likelihood of this happening.

What purpose does sending him to a swing state serve? The likelihood of an embarrassing event occurring is fairly high.

Ultimately, he has demonstrated utter ignorance of the concerns of the typical American voter.

Last week in Oregon, he told reporters while eating an ice cream cone, “Our economy is robust as hell.” What?

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is urging Americans to ‘batten down the hatches’ as he and virtually all other U.S. business executives warn that the nation is careening toward recession.

Inflation is completely out of control, and earnings have not kept pace with rising prices. Today, a smaller proportion of Americans are employed than before the pandemic. The mortgage interest rate is soaring, and the housing market is collapsing. The stock market is a hellish roller coaster ride, and Americans are watching their 401(k)s deteriorate, but chocolate chip cookies are great.

Biden and his White House press secretary “Baghdad Bob” continue to spin instead of being truthful with the American public in lieu of confronting the hard, brutal reality and developing sensible answers.

Democrats cannot oust their president as quickly as British conservatives can oust a prime minister, despite their efforts.

If the approaching midterm elections are as disastrous for Biden and the Democrats as predicted, it will be the final nail in Biden’s leadership coffin. Just as they did for Liz Truss, the piranhas will inevitably emerge.

The media and politics give as quickly as they take, and no one will want to be linked with a president perceived as a historic failure and in decline. Politicians will increase their efforts to preserve their party from within and distance themselves as much as possible from Biden. The press will become more combative and cease defending his gaffes. Progressive Democrats will experience Schadenfreude when they accuse Biden of not being sufficiently progressive.

Oh boy, it will be awful! Get a puppy if you want a friend in politics.

It appears like Liz Truss took the easy way out. Her political demise was abrupt. Biden has two more years of this.

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