Western Australia’s Kwinina KFC man finds a discarded glove in his big chips

A man who stopped by his local KFC for a late-night snack was horrified to discover a used glove in his bag of chips.

The man from Kwinana stated that he visited his local KFC at approximately 11 p.m. and was shocked to discover the glove at the bottom of his large chips.

Quinton Armarego posted on social media: “You may wish to avoid KFC for a while.” Used gloves discovered in a bag of chips.

Mr. Armarego stated that KFC responded to his social media post within five minutes.

The discovery disgusted social media users, with many wondering how it could have occurred.

“Can’t the employee filling the box see the glove?” Should have visited Spec Saver! one user contributed.

“I’ve never desired the throwing up emoji as a response button more than I do now,” remarked a second.

I purchased KFC from there a few weeks ago. When I arrived at the pick-up window, I observed a kitchen floor covered in chicken and potato chips as well as worn gloves. Absolutely repulsive. Not returning,’ declared a third.

On Google, Kwinana KFC has a rating of 2.9 stars, and their reviews contain multiple complaints, most of which are about the chips.

‘Once, I received a half-full giant bag of chips with my order, but today, not only did I have to wait 15 minutes in the parking lot, but the chicken and chips I received were not fresh, and there was not a single dip on my tender dipping feast! “Your staff needs more training,” reads one review.

“Gave us half cartons of old, stale chips, then claimed they were fresh.” The chips were icy cold. When returning the food, the assistant manager was rather arrogant for someone who can’t perform a halfway decent job. If I could have awarded this establishment no stars, I would have,” one reviewer said.

Colonel Sanders’ best-kept secret: Outrage after the secret ingredient in KFC seasoning is revealed, leaving fried-chicken lovers devastated.

SHOCKED A sharp-eyed KFC customer was astonished to discover one of the fast food chain’s secret ingredients, claiming she believed the substance was prohibited.

The woman from New Zealand uploaded an image of a seasoning packet labeled “COLONEL SANDERS’ RECIPE Kentucky Fried Chicken Seasoning.”

The label reveals that the controversial MSG (monosodium glutamate) salt is included in addition to the chain’s renowned “secret herbs and spices.”

The customer was outraged and took to social media to express her displeasure, sparking a heated discussion about the popular takeaway.

She wrote on Facebook: “It’s like putting salt on crack.”

Some Facebook users expressed shock that MSG was the secret ingredient in KFC’s original recipe chicken, while others deemed it acceptable in moderation.

I have read several articles on MSG and Chinese restaurant syndrome. It was primarily an attack on ethnic communities by racist individuals! It’s acceptable in moderation! Umami flavoring is identical,’ a woman replied.

Another said, “I am positive that MSG has never been prohibited, and all the misconceptions about it being unhealthy have been debunked.”

Others who participated in the discussion were concerned that the chemical was an essential component of KFC chicken.

One wrote, “Yuck, no surprise I always feel ill afterward.”

In the past 40 years, MSG has been the subject of intensive research, although no medical organization has produced convincing evidence linking it to major illness or death in people.

Numerous individuals report adverse reactions to MSG-containing foods, including headaches, perspiration, irregular heartbeats, and nausea.

As a result, countries around the world require the additive to be approved for use and prominently labeled before it may be used in products.

In 2017, it was reported that a guy in Mahad, northern India, lost his voice and ability to swallow after consuming MSG.

According to a study in the Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, the 23-year-old was unable to speak and swallow his saliva when he was admitted to the hospital.

The swelling of his mouth was attributed to the MSG in the Chinese fried rice he had had the night before.

The man complained of dizziness, perspiration, and body-wide itching, but he recovered within a few days.

KFC has confirmed using MSG.

On its website, the fried chicken chain states, “Some of our food does contain MSG, but rest assured, it is only present at levels that are safe for the general population.”

It is a recognized flavor enhancer that naturally occurs in meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits, and cheese.

According to Food Standards Australia New Zealand, MSG has been studied for four decades and deemed safe.

“Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) reviewed the safety of MSG in 2003 and concluded, ‘there is no convincing evidence that MSG is a significant factor in causing systemic reactions resulting in severe illness or mortality,’” according to the organization’s website.

‘In Australia and New Zealand, no food additive, including MSG, is permitted for use in food until FSANZ has determined its safety.

Due to their safety, MSG and other glutamates are among a group of food additives that are generally permitted in foods.

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