‘Apparently unfortunate circumstances’ led to the untimely death of a conservative politician and landowner.
Father-of-two On Friday, Anthony Trollope-Bellew, who was in his late sixties and a member of Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT), is believed to have died on his property in the Quantock Hills in Somerset.
Mr. Trollope-Bellew, a former head of the now-disbanded West Somerset District Council, was a farmer who was “very well-liked and respected.” He is survived by his widow, Annabel, and two daughters.
A coworker described him as a “genuine Tory of the old school” and a “patrician.”
David Fothergill, the leader of the Conservatives on the Somerset County Council, said he was “sad to read of Anthony’s premature death in what appear to be unfortunate circumstances.”
He continued, “Anthony was a colossal figure who cared deeply about West Somerset, the Quantocks, and doing the right “thing”.”
“As Leader of West Somerset District Council and Cabinet Member at Somerset County Council, Anthony was extremely well-liked and esteemed by his peers and officers.
At this time of great sorrow, my thoughts are with his wife, Annabelle, and their family and friends.
Ian Liddell-Grainger, an MP for West Somerset, described the death of Mr. Trollope-Bellew, who is believed to have recently undergone hip replacement surgery, as a “great loss to the Quantock community.”
He continued, “The family name has been connected with the region for decades, and Anthony was one of the most esteemed farmers in the area.”
I’ve always admired the manner in which he ran the two family estates even since I became a member of parliament here 21 years ago.
‘However, much more noteworthy was his dedication to public duty as a district and county councillor and as president of the Quantock Commoners.
His knowledge of and affection for the area made him a true champion of the Quantocks, representing and courageously advocating for the interests of local families on numerous occasions.
I am aware that he was held in high regard in the community and that there are a great number of families who are devastated by his early passing and whose sympathies are now with Anthony’s family.
Former West Somerset Council leader and Exmoor Conservative Councillor Steven Pugsley stated, “It is surprising and quite sudden.”
I was sitting next to him on Tuesday evening at the SWT council meeting, conversing with him about his recent hip replacement, and he was participating fully in the local community’s business, as he had for so many years.
He was the type of person who led by example. If he were participating in an organization, he would not delegate his responsibilities to others.
Even though he did not run for the new unitary council, he was still highly involved in local matters, and I am confident he would have continued to do so.
Fellow SWT Councillor Benet Allen stated, “In February 2018, as a newly-elected councillor to what was then West Somerset Council, Anthony was quick to make me feel welcome.
“We began the process of combining with Taunton Deane almost immediately, selecting a new chief executive along the way, in the beginning of what has become a succession of local government re-disorganisations.
“Councillor Trollope-Bellew was a traditional Tory – patrician, undoubtedly, but that came with being a landowner.
He served out of a feeling of public duty and was dependably polite and cordial with members of all political parties.
We will all miss his steady hand and readiness to work alongside his political opponents in Somerset West and Taunton.