Friday, the producers of “KPOP: The Musical” requested an apology from The New York Times over a supposedly racist comment made by theatre reviewer Jesse Green.
In a letter addressed to New York Times Chairman and Publisher A.G. Sulzberger and Theater Editor Nicole Herrington, producers Tim Forbes and Joey Parnes criticized the writer for “casual bigotry.”
The letter states, “We are the producers of the newly launched Broadway musical KPOP, and we are writing to request that you offer an apology to the cast and creators of our play for Jesse Green’s inconsiderate and, frankly, insulting criticism.”
“Clearly, we recognize Mr. Green’s right to criticize the show. We request that you address the cultural insensitivity, underlying ignorance, and hatred for K-pop as a genre, as well as what appears to be casual racism in his critique.”
KPOP, which premiered on November 27, 2022, chronicles the narrative of three distinct groups participating in a one-night-only KPOP documentary.
The letter reads, “The fact that this would be the case at The New York Times is, simply, shocking.”
KPOP, which premiered on November 27, 2022, chronicles the narrative of three distinct groups participating in a one-night-only KPOP documentary.
Green wrote in his assessment that the lighting design by Jiyoun Chang was “squint-inducing,” which the makers deemed a “damaging stereotype.”
According to Green, the lighting design of the show was “squint-inducing,” which the creators deemed a “damaging stereotype.”
Green also stated that non-Korean speakers would not be able to comprehend the majority of the episode without English subtitles.
“Is a Broadway performance only viable if it is centered on and catered to a white, English-speaking audience?” letter to the producers
One “KPOP” artist criticized the review over social media.
In a letter addressed to New York Times Chairman and Publisher A.G. Sulzberger and Theater Editor Nicole Herrington, producers Tim Forbes and Joey Parnes criticized the writer for “casual bigotry.”
“If you are not an Asian American who has been made fun of for your squinty or slanted eyes, I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in hearing from you at this time. You can have a seat,” said Abraham Lim on Instagram.
Green was contacted by The Post for comment.
“KPOP: The Musical” is now performing at the Circle in the Square Theatre in New York.
»KPOP musical requests an apology following a “racist” New York Times review«