South Korea accepts international age calculation standards

As a result of a new regulation that standardizes the method for calculating a person’s age, South Koreans may be growing a year or two younger.

Ages recorded on official papers must be computed using the international approach beginning in June 2023, in an effort to avoid misunderstanding between the country’s various methods of age computation.

Currently, there are several methods of calculating age in South Korea.

The most common method is “Korean age,” in which a newborn is deemed one year old at birth because life recording begins in utero. And on January 1, everyone in the nation ages another year.

The alternative system is “counting age,” which begins a person’s age at zero at birth and adds one year on New Year’s Day.

South Korea is now implementing the “international age” system, which begins at zero and adds one year each year on the individual’s birthday.

Thus, if someone was born on December 10, 2000, their worldwide age would be 22, their counting age would be 23, and their Korean age would be 24.

Yoo Sang-bum, a member of the ruling People Power Party, stated in parliament, “The reform aims to reduce unnecessary socio-economic expenditures, as legal and societal disputes, as well as confusion, exist due to the various methods of determining age.”

According to the press release, the vast majority of Koreans are willing to use their international age in order to alleviate age-related confusion in the country.

“86.2% of respondents indicated that they would use International age in their daily lives, and national interest in ‘Unification to international age’ is extremely high,” the report stated.

According to one minister, the reform will have a favorable effect on the minds of many Koreans.

“If people feel their age is reduced by one or two years, it will have a favorable effect on society,” said Minister of Government Legislation Lee Wan-kyu. We will collaborate to promote it to the public.

The measure also fulfills a campaign pledge by the present administration to adopt the international age calculating standard.

“About six months after the government’s inauguration, the contents of the promise to resolve the annoyance of the people by establishing a unified standard have been implemented,” stated Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon. “We will do our utmost to execute follow-up measures so that the positive consequences of enacting the aforementioned statute can be multiplied.”

»South Korea accepts international age calculation standards«

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