Mani Lapussh landed the big break after winning TomTom’s ‘Breathe For It’ contest, which attracted over 500 participants. Since winning the ‘Breathe For It’, Mani Lapussh has garnered incredible support from TomTom as a rising musician.
Mani Lapussh has had the chance to collaborate with Rema, an Afrobeat musician, on the “Breathe Anthem” project after winning the TomTom ‘Breathe For It’ project. The great tune is presently dominating the Nigerian audio waves and promises to be the first of many hits to come from Mani Lapussh under the Breathe Music Platform.
Listen to and vibe to Mani Lapussh and Rema’s Breathe Anthem, which is currently available on all streaming platforms.
»TomTom Breathe Music Officially Releases “Breathe Anthem” by Mani Lapussh and Rema«