Tragically, a 10-year-old girl drowned in the Wilderness, while two of her relatives were saved.
Tuesday at Wilderness Main Beach, lifeguards responded to a drowning in progress involving three family members from George who were caught in rip currents.
According to the NSRI website, lifeguards rescued a young male adolescent from the mid-wave breakers and brought him to shore safely. He remained unharmed.
The lifeguards reached a 16-year-old girl who was unresponsive in the middle of the waves.
They commenced CPR while carrying her to land, where lifeguards and NSRI Wilderness medics continued emergency medical care.
The lifeguards found a 10-year-old girl unresponsive in the middle of the waves.
The female was rescued to the beach, where NSRI rescue swimmers and a member of the public assisted the lifeguards in bringing her out of the sea.
Lifeguards, NSRI medics, and WC Government Health EMS paramedics continued CPR.
After exhaustive efforts to resuscitate the 10-year-old child failed, she was sadly pronounced dead.
The deceased has been entrusted to Government Health Forensic Pathology Services.
The 16-year-old was stabilized at the scene before being transferred to the hospital in a serious but stable condition by EMS ambulance.
She is anticipated to recuperate completely in the hospital under the care of physicians and nurses, NSRI is informed.
The police have filed an investigation file
»Tragic drowning of a 10-year-old girl in Wilderness rip currents — RIP«