On Monday, the four men accused of stoning a seal at Monwabisi Beach on Sunday, January 8, appeared in the Khayelitsha Magistrate’s Court. As a consequence of the attack, the animal had severe injuries and had to be euthanized.
Luxoli Godana, 26, Nyameko Titi, 18, Nkosinathi Ndzendevu, 19, and Sibusiso Zamani, 22, were accused in court on Monday with violating Section 2(1) (a) of the Animal Protection Act of 1962.
“The State alleges that the four accused were observed by Law Enforcement Officers stoning a seal at Monwabisi Beach, Khayelitsha, on 8 January 2023,” stated Eric Ntabazalila, spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
The accused were each given R1000 bail, and the matter was adjourned until February 15th for additional investigation.
According to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, one of the suspects said that a traditional healer promised the gang R3000 to kill the Cape fur seal.
The stoning of seals, according to Cape Town Deputy Mayor Eddie Andrews, is one of the most heinous attacks on animals in recent times.
“Seeing the broken condition this animal was in when it was carried off the beach made my blood run cold. Not in 37 years of working in wildlife welfare have I seen such a case of abject cruelty visited on a defenceless animal that was in all likelihood just minding its own business,” said SPCA Wildlife Officer Jon Friedman.
According to the animal protection organisation, a veterinarian who examined the seal found it to have significant face and skull fractures as well as profuse bleeding from the mouth. One of its eyeballs had been smashed, and the majority of its teeth had been damaged.