To save time throughout the week, stir-fry is a fantastic option for dinner. This quick and easy recipe for Asian-style sesame chicken is done in just 20 minutes and has a ton of flavour. The chefs who created this dish are Asian immigrants who settled in the United States and Canada. While this meal requires little prep time, a wok is recommended for optimal results.
Use more cubes of dark chicken flesh for the most flavorful chicken, although chicken breast can do in a pinch. Careful attention is required while commencing a cook in a wok since the food must be prepared at very high heat. For best results, keep one hand dry and use the other to remove the chicken from the egg wash after dredging. It’s crucial to be well-organized while making this meal. It’s important to keep the ingredients in the wok moving continually, so have everything you need in separate bowls and ready to go. Sliced carrots, cabbage, and peppers, among others, are excellent additions.
Add some egg-fried noodles or rice to your sesame chicken dish. You can’t go wrong with this fried Asian-style sesame chicken recipe for a delicious meal with the most succulent and tender chicken.