Olympic gymnast Ellie Downie said that she gave up the sport at the age of 23 after being kicked from the British team for speaking out against bullying and weight-shaming in the sport.
Earlier this week, Ellie Downie released a statement in which she declared her retirement from the sport. The gymnast said that she did not take her “tough choice” to put her “mental health and happiness” first lightly.
Since I can remember, gymnastics has been my life, and I’m proud of all I’ve been able to accomplish in the sport, she wrote.
Ellie divulged further information in an interview on today’s episode of Good Morning Britain about her experiences competing in gymnastics.
Downie nodded in agreement when asked whether she thought her earlier outspokenness on the abuse athletes participating in the sport suffered hindered her advancement in the sport.
Yes, she replied, “I already felt like I wasn’t picked before tryouts and whatnot had actually taken place when it came to team choices, so sure, it’s bittersweet.”
Ranvir Singh, the interviewer, referred to the Whyte Review, a wholly independent investigation into charges of abuse in gymnastics, and questioned Downie about whether she had encountered similar treatment.
She questioned: “Gymnastics athletes were penalised for using the restroom, forced to practice on injuries, had their luggage examined for food, and were sat on by coaches. Is that what you experienced?
It’s bittersweet, Downie said. “When it came to team choices, I already felt like I was not picked before tryouts and whatnot had actually taken place.”
When the report was finished being read, Downie agreed and added, “We were obviously sat on by coaches for stretching purposes.”
A coach would “sit on your back” if you needed your hamstrings stretched.
She said, “And I’ve certainly had my luggage examined for food,” alluding to the diet mentality prevalent in the sport.
All of this occurs while you are so young. When it first occurred to me, I was about 10 [years old] and on a training camp. They checked your bags for food to make sure you hadn’t brought any other food with you.
“Everyone simply gets indoctrinated a little bit.” Me and my sister honestly believed it for years after we were informed by coaches that you couldn’t carry food overseas.
The 23-year-old said, “I know how hard she works and she deserves to be on those teams, ” when asked about her worries for her sister Rebecca Downie, 31, who continues to participate in the sport.
I am concerned that she may not be selected as a result of what we have stated, especially because it has already occurred to her before. I am concerned about her.
People simply see the outcome of you standing on the platform, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes that they are unaware of.
Eliie said, “I took the initial step in 2020 when everyone was talking about the Gymnast Alliance. That’s why I chose to write about my experiences today.
But now that my brother has died, I feel compelled to speak out. I’ve simply been so quiet because I knew that if I wanted to participate in the [gymnastics] program, I couldn’t really make a fuss.
Ellie and Rebecca together issued a statement in 2020 detailing the everyday abuse the sisters had experienced.
The statement said: “For too long, an outmoded, harsh, and — we’d say — frequently unproductive culture inside women’s gymnastics training has been of secondary concern to the health and well-being of young girls.”
We believe that by coming out today, we will not only support those who have already done so but also inspire others who may want to but have so far been unable to.
“We’ll do all we can to see the sport demonstrate itself for what it should be: a place for kids and teens to have fun, be healthy, and take it as far as they want on their own terms.”
Ellie said in 2020 that she “still conceals food” as a consequence of the negative association she had with nutrition via gymnastics.
Additionally, Downie claimed that a nutritionist had instructed her to shed 6 kg in two weeks while keeping a food diary and sending daily photos of herself in her underwear.
The English Institute of Sport (EIS) dietitian was placed on leave while the accusations were looked into. But once Downie’s suit was dismissed, it was removed.
Rebecca tweeted: “Will always support you sister,” expressing her support for her younger sister.
People must keep in mind that this was never a sport in which you needed to lift weights to compete.
Joshua Downie, a cricket player, passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack in May 2021, leaving Ellie and Rebecca to deal with the devastating loss of their brother.
The bronze medalist in the international vault competition made the decision to take “some time away from the sport to be with her family,” but her elder sister Rebecca pledged to continue competing in the Olympic trials.
»Olympic gymnastics After speaking up, Ellie Downie left at 23«