Pickup truck driven ‘deliberately’ through the front doors of a police station in Colorado

Police say a Colorado man ‘deliberately’ drove his pickup truck through the front doors of a police station after claiming that someone were ‘following’ him, causing $1 million in damage.

Officers ran to the lobby pointing their guns and ordered Nathan David Chacon, 45, to exit the full-size pickup, the footage shows

Wednesday around 12:30 p.m., Nathan David Chacon, 45, smashed his 2007 Chevrolet Silverado through the glass doors and into the lobby of the Grand Junction Police Station before stopping at the desk, according to CCTV given by the department.

According to Chacon’s declaration, there were eleven employees working in offices behind the counter at the time in question. Nobody was wounded as a result of the automobile.

The clip reveals that officers ran to the lobby with their pistols drawn and ordered Chacon to exit the full-size truck. After being ordered to the ground by a single armed officer, the subject can be seen lying face-down with his arms extended.

After being ordered to get on the floor by one armed officer, the man can be seen lying face down with his arms spread

The tape reveals that officers went to the lobby, pointed their firearms, and ordered Nathan David Chacon, 45, to exit the full-size pickup.

After being ordered to the ground by a single armed officer, the subject can be seen lying facedown with his arms extended.

Chacon was then apprehended without incident.

He did not require medical attention and was placed in a holding cell, where he freely spoke with police.Grand Junction Police Station posted about the incident on social media

Chacon was arrested and charged with attempted murder, attempted assault, attempted vehicular assault, criminal mischief, and endangering the welfare of a child.

According to the statement, Chacon has received at least 90 calls in the past few years, during which he has reported “unexplainable occurrences.”

Grand Junction Police Station commented on social media about the event.

Outside footage of the police station reveals the vehicle crashing into the parking lot.

Chacon made a fast left turn into the front doors of the Grand Junction Police Station from the parking lot.Footage from outside of the police department shows the vehicle shoot into the parking lotIn the parking lot Chacon took a sharp left turn through the front doors of the Grand Junction Police Station

Wednesday about 12:30 p.m., Chacon smashed his 2007 Chevrolet Silverado through glass doors and into the foyer of the police station.

Chacon stopped at the counter, according to CCTV given by the department.

An cop pointed a revolver at Chacon and ordered him to the ground.

Chacon obeyed the instructions. He was then apprehended without incident. Chacon was arrested and charged with attempted murder, attempted assault, attempted vehicular assault, criminal mischief, and endangering the welfare of a child.

According to the arrest document, he contacted the police multiple times in the days preceding up to the incident and would curse at authorities on the phone before abruptly hanging up. It is unclear what he conveyed to them in his report.Chacon followed the orders. He was then taken into custody without incident. Chacon was arrested and charged with attempted murder, attempted assault, attempted vehicular assault, criminal mischief and reckless endangerment

Chacon told police that, when he left Colorado on Thursday morning, he was ‘followed’ by multiple vehicles, forcing him to take evasive action.

The vehicle enters the parking lot before making a fast left turn through the main doors, as captured on video from outside the police station.

Chacon informed police officers that he drove into the lobby because he did not want to be killed when he drove into the parking lot. He told the officer that he knew it was a “stupid” idea, but that he felt obligated to do it “to be heard.”

The estimated damages to the foyer, entrance doors, and bulletproof window panes range between $100,000 and $1,000,000, according to the police.

Last week, a massive pileup involving nine semi-trucks and twelve cars shut down 160 miles of I-70 in Colorado.

Wednesday afternoon, a winter storm hit the Denver area, bringing severe gusts and covering the roadways with snow. This caused the disturbance.

A representative for the Colorado State Patrol stated that several of the semis involved in the accident had broken gas tanks, and that hazmat teams were dispatched in an effort to contain spills.

»Pickup truck driven ‘deliberately’ through the front doors of a police station in Colorado«

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