WSU frat man, 19, dies in dorm 10 miles from Idaho quadruple murders

A Washington State University student was discovered dead in his dorm room around 10 miles from the Idaho triple murder scene.

Luke Morgan Tyler, 19, was found dead in his WSU dorm room on January 22. Officials haven't released Tyler's cause of death and don't suspect foul play
Luke Morgan Tyler’s body was discovered in the Perham Hall dormitory on the WSU Pullman campus on January 22 around 1.30 p.m., after police received an anonymous call.

A petition calling for an investigation against the Theta Chi fraternity house has been started in response to allegations that Tyler endured a “inhumane” and cruel hazing there prior to his death.

The cause of death has not been disclosed, and despite the petition, police do not suspect foul play.

In November, friends Maddie Mogen and Kaylee Gonvalves, both 21, as well as Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle, both 20, were stabbed to death in a house in Moscow, Idaho. This place is only 10 miles away.

Perham Hall is also less than a mile from the residence of suspect Bryan Kohbeger. He was a criminology Ph.D. candidate at WSU. There is no evidence that the killings are related to Tyler’s death, but the dorm tragedy has further frightened neighbors still reeling from last year’s massacre.

An online petition that alleges Tyler died after extreme hazing as a part of the Theta Chi 'inhumane' pledging process. Pictured: Pullman's Theta Chi house

The petition stated, “His death directly followed a lengthy and cruel pledging process permitted by his fraternity, Theta Chi.” Luke and many others were coerced by their brutal and violent hazing to perform things that nobody should be compelled to do.

Tyler, age 19, attended school on the Pullman campus where suspected Idaho murderer Bryan Kohberger studied for his doctorate in criminology.

On January 22, Luke Morgan Tyler, age 19, was discovered dead in his WSU dorm room.

Tyler’s cause of death has not been disclosed by authorities, although they do not suspect foul play.

Trevor Michalski, the organizer of the petition, urged that the fraternity be ‘immediately’ investigated and’shut down.’

Approximately 9,000 signatures were collected as of Sunday evening, with numerous of Tyler’s close friends seeking justice.Petition organizers demand justice for Tyler as the investigation continues. Several insist authorities look into the frat

No one should ever have to endure what Luke did, wrote one commenter. This caused his death. This occurs in college, on high school sports teams, and elsewhere. Hazing should be made illegal and penalised on a global scale.

My sympathies to his family and all other affected families. My daughter was close with him, and she remarked on how wonderful he was. This might have been avoided.

“Hazing is a degree of bullying permitted for distant targets.

A firm message must be issued to quickly end this practice,’ urged another. Luke assumed he would be secure among like-minded individuals, but this was obviously not the case.

The WSU Theta Chi fraternity was unavailable for immediate comment.As the investigation continues, WSU police warned about online speculation and cautioned against internet sleuths intervening

Tyler was discovered dead approximately 10 miles distant from the location where Maddie Mogen, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin were murdered on November 13 in the peaceful college town of Moscow, Idaho.

A petition claiming Tyler died as a result of ‘inhumane’ hazing during the Theta Chi pledging process. Pullman’s Theta Chi home is pictured.

The organizers of the petition seek justice for Tyler while the inquiry progresses. Several request officials investigate the fraternity

As the investigation continues, WSU police have recommended against online speculation and internet sleuthing.

A police spokeswoman told 4 News Now, “There has been considerable speculation regarding the circumstances surrounding this incident and the actual cause of the student’s death.”

“I would urge the public to refrain from speculation at this stage of the investigation.” In this situation, the facts are still being gathered. It may take the coroner’s office several weeks to determine the cause and manner of death. We want to guarantee that the probe may proceed without hindrance.’

A GoFundMe page was created to assist Tyler’s family in raising funds for his funeral and donating a significant amount in his name. On Sunday, over $11,000 had been collected.

As the investigation continues, WSU police have recommended against online speculation and internet sleuthing.

Bryan Christopher Kohberger, age 28, allegedly murdered four students at the University of Idaho. He went to WSU Pullman.

In December, police executed a search warrant at WSU following the arrest of suspected Idaho murderer Kohberger in connection with the killings of Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin.

In the early hours of November 13, all four victims were brutally murdered in their beds at their house in Moscow; authorities characterized the scene to as “the worst we have ever seen.”

Late last month, authorities were spotted inside the college’s criminology building, at the entrance of Room 12, where Kohberger and two other PhD students shared space.

Moscow, Idaho is a 15-minute drive from the campus.

»WSU frat man, 19, dies in dorm 10 miles from Idaho quadruple murders«

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