Exactly two weeks after entering the Big Brother House, Sandra and Theo Traw became the first to leave.
Last week, the pair was known as Santheo and was up against Juicy Jay & Olivia (Juiovla), Justin & Yvonne (Juvone), and Yemi Cregx & Nelissa for eviction (Yelisa).
Theo said to co-host Lawrence Maleka after being eliminated from the competition, “I’m at a loss for words.” I desired to remain a bit longer in order to assist myself more. However, God had other plans, so everything is well.”
Sandra characterized herself as a raging inferno and expressed surprise that Lawrence was leaving so soon.
As part of a novel twist, housemates were required to form duos before participating in last week’s Head of House competitions and being nominated for eviction as a pair.
The HoH title was won by Blaqboi and Ipeleng (Blaqleng). They oversaw a week in which housemates engaged in fierce rivalries and arguments, requiring the bleep censor to work overtime on the recap programs.
Ipeleng stated earlier in the week that female roommates had been giving her attitude since she became Head of Household. Sunday night, in response to Ebuka’s questioning, she stated, “I would say that it changed the entire mood.” I felt alone at a certain moment.”
»Sandra and Theo Traw are the first ‘BBTitans’ to leave the house«