In his answer to the State of the Union speech, former President Donald Trump slammed Vice President Joe Biden and threatened to “stop the carnage of our nation” if he were to win the presidency again in 2024.
The 76-year-old Donald Trump referred to his two-minute response to Vice President Joe Biden’s 72-minute speech as the “real state of the union,” and he untruthfully credited the 80-year-old leader for finishing the speech “far stronger than he began” — perhaps in reference to Biden incorrectly referring to Sen. Chuck Schumer as the Senate minority leader.
He put in a lot of effort tonight, but you have to give him credit for trying since it isn’t something that comes naturally to him. I don’t agree with him on the majority of his views, but he expressed his feelings, and he came out of the evening more stronger than when he started. Give him credit for that, Trump said in a post on Truth Social where he also provided his formal denial.
Trump attacked Biden’s record on border security, crime, the economy, free speech, foreign policy, and other topics in the pre-recorded video short.
“Under Biden, millions upon millions of illegal immigrants from 160 different nations have flooded our southern border over the last two years. Trump makes this claim before moving on to discuss economic issues: “Savage murders, rapists, and violent criminals are being freed from prison to continue their crime wave. Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from shipping poison to kill our people and to kill our children.
The biggest inflation in fifty years was brought on by Biden and the radical Democrats, who spent billions of dollars. 21 months in a row, real salaries have decreased. Gas costs have skyrocketed. Prices are now rising considerably faster than they ever have before, with the median American household spending an additional $2,200 in increasing food and energy expenses each year, according to Trump.
The former president then said that Biden had “weaponized” the Justice Department to target Republicans like himself and that the Biden administration is attempting to “indoctrinate and mutilate” youngsters while accelerating toward a new global conflict.
“Joe Biden’s militarized Justice Department is pursuing his political rivals, and I’m a victim of it,” one person said. The free speech movement is under attack by his government. He is also the most dishonest president in American history, on top of everything else. Trump said, “And it’s not even close.
Trump presented a positive outlook for the US under a second Trump administration as he concluded his answer.
“[W]e are going to undo every single crisis, catastrophe, and tragedy Joe Biden has brought about. I’m running for president to stop the devastation of our nation and finish what needs to be done to restore America’s greatness. Trump closed his brief address by promising to “make our nation greater than ever before, and we will always put America first.”
Although former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley is anticipated to enter the race later this month, Trump is the sole declared Republican presidential contender as of now. Trump announced the start of his 2024 White House run in November.
Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a former press secretary for Donald Trump, gave the official GOP rebuttal to Vice President Biden’s State of the Union address without mentioning the president by name.
»Trump slams Biden in State of the Union rebuttal«