What We Know About The Mass Tort Regarding Hair Relaxers?

Imagine that Jeannie visits a salon four times each year for hair straightening. However, the hairdresser’s chemicals expose her to cancer-causing substances. How terrifying would that be? If you have recently encountered such a situation, you may be eligible for hair relaxer cancer settlement compensation by filing a hair relaxer lawsuit.

According to a scientific study, hair straighteners and cancer have a clear relationship. If you suffer uterine cancer after using chemical hair straighteners, it is likely time to take urgent action to defend your rights. Here is where Dolman Law Firm enters the scene. This personal injury law firm situated in Florida has been at the forefront of this case since its inception.

When a woman uses hair relaxer products more than four times a year, she runs the risk of developing one of the following cancers:

Urological Cancer

Endometrial Cancer

Ovarian carcinoma

Uterine Fibroids

According to a report, millions of African American women in the United States commonly use hair relaxers. Women who use hair relaxers on a regular basis for an extended period of time get uterine cancer. Then, they bring product liability claims against the makers and seek a cash payout for hair relaxer damages.

The atomic structure and chemical content of all hair kinds are same. Women with curly hair utilize a variety of techniques to style their hair. Obtaining a perm that calms, flattens, and uncurls your hair is one method for achieving this look.

It has been noticed that hair relaxers include a high concentration of pH and solid alkali. A treatment professional will care for your hair by applying relaxer to the hair’s base.

As the material marinates, your hair color alters till new hair grows in. Following this treatment, your hair will remain straight for one to two months. After your hair regrows, you must choose for regular touch-ups.

Certain women will continue to return for touch-ups for years. Therefore, they are susceptible to severe chemicals. The bad news is that the hair straightener can have a negative impact on the protein structure of your hair, despite the presence of certain ingredients. This can be really destructive.

Cancer is the greatest danger, leading to an increase in chemical hair straightener litigation. However, if you believe that its effects are confined to this, you are completely mistaken! Several women develop uterine cancer as a result of the phthalate contained in hair relaxers and perms. Two types of uterine cancer exist: sarcoma and endometrial. As sarcoma grows rapidly, it can become a life-threatening condition. Endometrial is commonly diagnosed and treatable.

Approximately 65,000 instances of endometrial cancer are diagnosed annually. Among these, 12,500 women perish annually.

Breast cancer is another condition linked to hair relaxer treatments. If you have been regularly exposed to these chemical hair straighteners and have contracted any of these ailments, it is time for you to take the required precautions. File a lawsuit against hair straightener manufacturers seeking a financial payout for hair relaxers.

Inquire whether a law firm has successfully represented plaintiffs in product liability claims prior to hiring them.

In addition, product liability lawsuits require a different set of standards than the majority of personal injury cases. Representatives of the plaintiff must convincing proof that the defendant committed a distribution error, design flaw, or failed to provide a warning label.

Medical records must be subjected to a complete examination and a careful audit.

Consider the Number of Staff Members at the Personal Injury Law Firm

When contemplating the hiring of a hair relaxer uterine cancer attorney, it is essential to confirm that they are committed to obtaining the utmost compensation. They understand what is at stake and are willing to go the extra mile to maximize your recompense for the losses you have suffered.

If you choose a small company, it may require more resources to investigate your claim. Even more demands may be necessary for a sophisticated product liability claim.

If you choose a huge firm, it is unlikely that they will provide personalized attention to your case. Therefore, adhere to the middle section and retain a law firm such as Dolman Law Group to secure you the highest reward.

Dolman Law Group has adequate expertise with mass tort lawsuits using hair relaxers. The firm has skilled personal injury attorneys who are adept in negotiating with other product liability attorneys and zealously representing your interests in court.

The attorneys at Dolman Law Group are aware that insurance companies will attempt to offer an unjust settlement amount to the injured person. Therefore, they go above and above to guarantee that the plaintiff receives a reasonable claim amount for the losses they have sustained.

»What We Know About The Mass Tort Regarding Hair Relaxers?«

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