The story of Madeleine McCann has captivated the world for over 15 years. She was a young British girl who vanished while on vacation with her family in Portugal in 2007 when she was just three years old.
Despite an extensive search, no trace of her has been found, leading authorities and her family to assume she is deceased.
Recently, a 21-year-old Polish woman named Julia Faustyna, who has also been known as Julia Wandelt and Julia Wendell, claimed via Instagram to be Madeleine McCann.
This announcement caused a stir, and her Instagram account, @iammadeleinemccan, now has over one million followers who have helped to spread her story. Even Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, have agreed to take a DNA test to determine if Faustyna is their long-lost daughter, according to The Daily Beast.
This is just the latest development in the ongoing saga of Madeleine McCann, which has continued to fascinate the public in recent years. In 2019, Netflix released a docu-series called The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann, which re-examined the case and included interviews with investigators and journalists working on the story.
The series sparked renewed interest in the case, and a year later, a potential suspect was identified: a 43-year-old German national named Christopher Brueckner, who is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence for raping an American tourist.
Brueckner was known to have been in Praia de Luz, Portugal, the town where Madeleine disappeared, in a camper van around the time of her disappearance.
Faustyna’s Instagram page has also revealed that she was a victim of a German pedophile, which could possibly link her to Madeleine’s case.
»Polish Woman Julia Faustyna Claims to be 3-yrs-old Madeleine McCann who disappeared in 2007«