Man dies from Pizza delivery man’s fear of gang attack

According to reports, a pizza delivery driver killed an innocent individual after receiving death threats from gang members.

Conor O’Brien, 19, was killed at his residence in County Meath, Ireland, in August 2021. Earl McKevitt, 51, has admitted culpability.

According to The Irish Mirror, gardai had just days earlier informed McKevitt that criminals were threatening his life.

He then equipped himself with a handgun; sources informed the newspaper.

They claimed that McKevitt was also so nervous that when he opened the door for his takeout pizza, he thought O’Brien was dangerous.

McKevitt killed O’Brien, who is said to have had no connection to organized crime.

A person who spoke to the Irish Mirror said, “McKevitt was obsessed with fear.”

Mr. O’Brien had the worst fate possible to cross his way.

The article proved that McKevitt had received a purported Garda Intelligence Notification from investigators prior to killing O’Brien.

People they consider to be at danger of homicide are issued a GIM form.

He reportedly felt in danger after receiving threats from a west Dublin criminal group.

Following his admission of O’Brien’s murder in Central Criminal Court yesterday (Thursday, February 23), McKevitt is now subject to the statutory life term.

McKevitt could be charged under count one of the accusation, according to John Fitzgerald SC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, who also informed Mr. Justice Paul McDermott that additional counts may come into play later on.

McKevitt entered a guilty plea to the lone count of killing O’Brien.

McKevitt was kept in detention by the court until his sentencing on March 3.

After it was discovered that McKevitt had brought a takeout order to O’Brien around the time of the homicide, he was named as a person of interest.

He voluntarily provided gardai with a statement, but later emerged as the main suspect.

Four days after the murder, he was detained in an inebriated episode in a Carlow bar by Gardai who were working on the case against him.

He allegedly became rude to the employees in a bar while intoxicated and threatened them with a firearm.

Armed gardai appeared on the scene swiftly, and when they discovered the Glock semi-automatic handgun on McKevitt, they detained him.

Ballistics studies on the firearm revealed it to be the pistol used in O’Brien’s homicide.

»Man dies from Pizza delivery man’s fear of gang attack«

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