Republican National Chairperson Ronna McDaniel recently announced that 2024 presidential candidates might have to pledge to support the winner in the general election or risk being kept out of primary debates.
However, this announcement is viewed by many as a feeble attempt to mask the Republican Party’s deep divisions over the ex-president, Donald Trump.
With three declared candidates so far, the fact remains that many GOP voters will not support Trump if he becomes the nominee, and some of his supporters may not show up to vote for any other Republican.
Furthermore, it is common for GOP politicians to switch sides if they think it serves their interests best, and breaking pledges is not uncommon in Politics 101, regardless of the political spectrum.
The real questions, therefore, are focused on what third-party challenges may arise and who might be unhappy enough to spend the general election attacking the winner.
The speed at which voters break for Trump or some other rival, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as an early front-runner, will significantly influence the calculations, with the debates as a crucial deciding factor.
Hence, it is clear that Ronna cannot chart the course of Republicans and should stop pretending to do so.
»Ronna McDaniel calls for support of the winner in the general election«
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