Catholic women want decision-making power on sex, contraception and divorce – Australian researchers

The largest survey of Catholic women in the church’s 2000-year history reveals they want reforms, more decision-making power, the freedom to follow their conscience on sex and contraception, and a more inclusive church.

Led by Australian researchers, the global study of 17,200 women from 14 countries found that they want the right to preach, dislike priests promoting political agendas, and are concerned about a lack of transparency in church governance.

The survey also shows that 84% of women supported reforms in the church, and almost three in 10 respondents said there would be no place for them without it.

The study, to be presented at the Vatican on International Women’s Day, comes as Pope Francis leads the church in a discussion about whether women should have a greater role in its governance and ceremonies.

Although he has ruled out female priests, he has suggested that the deaconate – someone who assists priests during mass and can preach the homily – is a possibility.

The survey results vary between countries, with Ireland, Spain, and Germany showing the strongest appetite for change. The tension has also been evident in the Australian church, which boiled over at a historic plenary council meeting last year, at which bishops failed to pass two motions aimed at empowering women in the church. The motions were re-worded and passed.

Co-author Tracy McEwan, a theologian and sociologist of religion at the University of Newcastle, said the women in the survey were not on the edge but struggling, and there was a feeling of being voiceless and ignored.

McEwan hopes that presenting the major report to women ambassadors and more senior women in the Vatican will have an impact and lead to the needed changes in the patriarchal church.

»Catholic women want decision-making power on sex, contraception and divorce – Australian researchers«

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