Behavioral health has embraced telehealth more than any other field, with mental health conditions accounting for just under two-thirds of telehealth claims in November 2022.
Telehealth appeals to a variety of patients because it allows them to avoid the time and expense of driving, parking, and arranging child care that an in-person visit often requires.
There are no hard-and-fast rules to decide when to opt for a telehealth visit versus an in-person visit, but there is some guidance to consider.
If it’s your first visit, it may make more sense to choose an in-person visit to evaluate the physician, to see if you can talk to them and trust them.
Sometimes an in-person first visit can also help doctors evaluate their patients in nontangible ways, such as assessing a patient’s emotional state.
If a physical exam seems necessary, some health complaints typically require an in-person examination, such as abdominal pain, severe musculoskeletal pain, or problems related to the eyes and ears.
However, increasing monitoring equipment that people can keep at home may give doctors the information they need, reducing the number of in-person visits required.
When something new or changes, patients should generally schedule an in-person visit, such as when a new symptom crops up or if there is a worsening of existing symptoms.
When patients are undergoing treatment for cancer, certain pivotal moments will require a face-to-face meeting.
One clear recommendation holds for almost all situations: Even if a physician or office scheduler suggests a virtual visit, patients do not have to agree to it.
As a consumer, patients should do what they feel comfortable doing and make their case if they want to be seen in the office.
»Doctors talks about the value of virtual medical visit to both patients and their physician«
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