Social Media Mom Sparks Controversy Over School Activity Costs

…Researched and contributed by Judah Olanisebee.

A mother, known as @n0thernbint on social media, recently posted a video on TikTok in which she expressed her decision to no longer allow her children to participate in school activities that come at a cost, as she believes it creates inequality among families.

She claimed that such activities, which include Easter egg decorating competitions and World Book Day costume days, are not accessible to poorer families.

In her opinion, if school and education are free and accessible to all, then every activity suggested or provided by schools should also be free and accessible to all.

The mother explained that her children would have felt left out if they did not participate in such activities, as their peers would be taking part.

She argued that parents are guilted into participating because they don’t want their child to miss out.

However, she claims that she has now “put her foot down” and will no longer allow her family to participate in these events.

While some TikTok users praised the mother’s decision, others criticized her, stating that parenting requires effort and fees for such activities are voluntary.


Some even accused her of “crying over coppers.”

Nonetheless, @n0thernbint remains firm in her belief that all school activities should be free and accessible without highlighting the families who can and cannot afford them.

Overall, the mother’s stance on this issue has sparked a debate among parents, with some agreeing with her and others disagreeing.

It is clear that the issue of accessibility and affordability of school activities is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides.

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