…By Joseph Benjamin for TDPel Media.
Abigail Miller, a 25-year-old woman who enjoys hunting, drinking beer, and showing off her glamorous side, has received criticism from men who urge her to “act more ladylike”.
In a TikTok video posted on her page @abigail_miller919, Abigail lip-synced to a country song while showcasing her love of archery and her outfit, which consisted of a low-cut crop top and tight jeans.

She also shared some of the comments she has received from men who disapprove of her behavior and appearance, such as “Stop drinking like a grown men and act more ladylike” and “You’re doing it wrong”.
Abigail shrugged off the criticism, stating that she’s simply “having a good time” and doesn’t need anyone to tell her what to do.

Abigail Miller’s TikTok video is a prime example of how women who challenge gender stereotypes and express themselves in non-traditional ways can face backlash and scrutiny from others, especially men.
Abigail’s love of hunting and archery, which are often associated with masculine pursuits, has earned her praise from some of her followers, but also criticism from men who question her abilities and authenticity.
The fact that Abigail also enjoys drinking beer and wearing revealing clothing further challenges the expectations of how a “lady” should behave and look, and exposes her to slut-shaming and objectification from some male viewers.
However, Abigail’s response to these comments is defiant and confident, as she refuses to conform to anyone’s standards or opinions.

By sharing her story and her interests on social media, Abigail is not only empowering herself, but also inspiring other women to embrace their passions and reject the gender norms that limit them.
The fact that her video has received thousands of views and supportive comments from both women and men suggests that there is a growing demand for more diverse and inclusive representations of femininity and masculinity in popular culture.