In the aftermath of America’s latest deadly school massacre, a West Australian teenager posted a video showing himself clutching a weapon and listening to rap music before a classmate made a scary threat.
Last week, the child, who attends Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School in the state’s Goldfields, uploaded a series of photos and videos to Snapchat showing him wielding the weapon.
After the photographs were released, the Department of Education and WA Police launched an investigation, with investigators present at the school.
A second kid at the same school then made a separate social media post, ‘telling’ the boy that he would bring the handgun to the school for a ‘school shoot up.’
The armed teenager is shown carrying the gun and listening to a hip hop music while wearing a bag around his neck in the video. He was reloading the rifle in the clip, according to West.
It was shared on Snapchat, which deletes videos after a certain amount of time has passed. They’ve been removed since then.
A second post was subsequently uncovered, this time from a student at the same Goldfields school, urging other pupils not to attend school due to a possible’ shoot up.’
The high school was visited by police, who established that there was no ‘active shooter threat’ and that the gun was never carried on campus.
They claim that present pupils are not in danger, but they have yet to determine whether the gun in the video is real.
It’s also unclear whether the youngster had access to weapons, despite Police Commissioner Chris Dawson assuring the public that the community was safe.
Premier Mark McGowan said the threat was another another reminder that Australia’s firearms restrictions must remain strict.
‘Obviously, in light of what happened in America, there are heightened concerns about firearms,’ he said.
‘No matter what happens, we will never, ever, ever go down the road that America is currently on.’