In light of the unsolved murder of a 12-year-old boy, a police chief has issued a warning that children are being exploited by criminal gangs to perpetrate crime, with children stealing automobiles and bragging about their exploits on social media.
According to Karen Webb, the police commissioner for New South Wales, kids in Australia are increasingly being drawn into organized crime networks through widely shared movies that encourage severe criminal behavior online.
Young people are readily swayed by films posted online, and criminal gangs take advantage of their weaknesses by instructing them to use doggie doors to steal houses, according to Commissioner Webb, who spoke on Thursday morning’s Today program.
It follows the enigmatic death of 12-year-old Wayne Russell, who was discovered near Wollongong with severe wounds at about two in the morning on Tuesday.
After being dropped off at what is thought to be a friend’s residence by a silver automobile, paramedics discovered him there. He was subsequently transferred to the hospital, where he was discovered to be dead.
Concerns have also been raised regarding the hashtag “creeping while you’re asleep,” which is often used on TikTok to depict young drivers operating vehicles at night.
The fact that we have children as young as 12, under 12, engaging in crime worries me and the commissioners around Australia, Commissioner Webb said as she unveiled a new task force on juvenile crime.
Young people breaking into automobiles, stealing cars, going on joy rides, and utilizing social media platforms to document and subsequently boast about their exploits are all examples of juvenile crime gangs (them).
And doing so is starting a movement. Other children are doing it, so.
Online trends that are concerning encourage films of teens driving about in what look to be stolen automobiles in the early morning hours. Some even gloat about news stories including juvenile wrecks.
Young drivers represent a serious danger to communities, according to Commissioner Webb, thus police should take special care to prevent juvenile car-boosting.
They are just 12 years old, she said, and can hardly reach the pedals, the driving wheel, or see over the dash.
The problem for us is that we have young children who are readily swayed and manipulated by older individuals to commit crimes, whether they are 17-year-olds or genuine adults.
Commissioner Webb noted that “a automobile at speed is a weapon” and said that stolen vehicles are often utilized to conduct further crimes.
Additionally, she said that both online and offline harmful influences teach preteens how to commit crimes.
We’ve had 12-year-olds break in to steal via a doggy door.
That is not something a 12-year-old learns on their own.
She said, “They’re being utilized to do significant adult crimes.
“I think the issue for us is that they are beginning younger and we don’t want to see any kids in prison,” she said. “But undoubtedly, as a community, we’ve got to face this.”
Wayne, a 12-year-old boy, was universally mourned after his enigmatic death at midnight shocked parents throughout the nation.
Police in Towradgi, Wollongong, came at the scene of a loud boom 30 minutes before paramedics discovered Wayne.
Police discovered that the car’s previous occupants had all left the scene, leaving only the wreck of a Holden Barina.
On Saturday afternoon, the vehicle had been reported as stolen.
Online and in the Wollongong neighborhood, Pants showed respect to the little “nice” youngster.
“Gone much too soon, little friend!” All those who knew you will miss you. The nicest grin someone could have, one that illuminated the space. The mother of two of Wayne’s schoolmates said on social media, “You were always very courteous to me and a fantastic pal to my guys.
Even Wayne’s parents, according to their admission, are unsure of the precise circumstances surrounding his untimely death.
One of the numerous crimes lauded in widely shared TikTok videos is carjacking, but other crimes include people boasting about having weapons and the profits of alleged illegal activity.
In addition to establishing a new task force to combat teenage crime, Commissioner Webb and senior law enforcement officials from other states are collaborating with other agencies to develop a plan of action.
She remarked, “We want them to belong to something more significant like athletics or another activity that keeps youngsters active,” after stating that children need to feel like they belong.
The issue is not a nine to five issue. This action occurs mostly at night. They are out in the middle of the night when we are all in bed at home.