What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange rate at the black market also known as the parallel market (Aboki fx)? See the black market Dollar to Naira exchange rate for 3rd September below. You can swap your dollar for Naira at these rates.
How much is a dollar to naira today in the black market?
Dollar to naira exchange rate today black market (Aboki dollar rate):
The exchange rate for a dollar to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) players buy a dollar for N917 and sell at N919 on Monday, 3rd September 2023, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC).
Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize the parallel market (black market), as it has directed individuals who want to engage in Forex to approach their respective banks.
Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN)
Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate
Selling Rate
Please note that the rates you buy or sell forex may be different from what is captured in this article because prices vary.
The General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye on Sunday predicted that Naira will bounce back and will be greater than the United States dollar.
The buying rate of dollar in the black market currently buys for N915 and sells at N918.
Due to the increase in the rate of the dollar, businesses and the cost of living of Nigerians coupled with the fuel subsidy removal have been badly affected.
Adeboye while speaking during the church’s monthly thanksgiving service on Sunday, with the September theme; ‘Uncommon Miracles’ predicted that Naira would appreciate.
According to the cleric, there was a period when Naira, competed favourably with United States dollars.
He said, “The days when the Naira will be stronger will come back; those glorious days will return when that happens you will know.”
Adeboye noted that miracles connoted something unique, stressing that a lot of times they may not be comprehensible by many.