In a harrowing incident that unfolded on the streets of North London, a man’s miraculous survival story emerges as he found himself run over by two separate vehicles during a heated confrontation between two groups of men.
The altercation ignited in front of the now-shuttered The Cart pub in the neighborhood of Edmonton, North London.
Chaos Erupts Near Construction Site
As the brawl erupted, chaos ensued near what appeared to be a makeshift caravan site situated at a construction site. Amid the mayhem, a startling scene unfolded as a man desperately attempted to evade two approaching vehicles in the middle of the road.
Unfortunately, his efforts proved futile as a small silver car collided with him, sending him tumbling to the ground.
A Double Brush with Fate
Struggling to regain his composure from the initial impact, the victim’s ordeal took a distressing turn as a large black jeep also rolled over him in a heart-stopping sequence of events.
Police Report on the Incident
According to the Metropolitan Police, this shocking incident transpired on September 24 following a clash between two groups of men at the construction site.
A spokesperson for the Met Police revealed, “Police were called to Montagu Road, N9, at 17.20hrs on Sunday, 24 September to reports of violent disorder.
Officers promptly arrived on the scene and discovered a man with a leg injury on Bounces Road. Thankfully, his condition was assessed as non-life-threatening.”
The spokesperson added, “Reports indicated that a group of men had attacked another group at the construction site, with vehicles being deliberately driven at individuals.
In connection with this incident, a 31-year-old man was apprehended and subsequently released on bail, with a court date set for December.”