On Tuesday night, the Lagos State Police Command announced that the popular singer Azeez Fashola, also known as Naira Marley, is in their custody to aid in the ongoing investigation into the tragic passing of the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad.
The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, made this announcement through a statement, stating that “Azeez Fashola aka Naira Marley has been taken into custody for interrogation and other investigation activities.”
Naira Marley himself confirmed his return to Lagos via a tweet earlier that night. He expressed his commitment to assist the authorities in the ongoing investigation, emphasizing the importance of his involvement in seeking the truth and ensuring justice.
The unfortunate passing of MohBad occurred on September 12 at the age of 27, prompting the police to invite Naira Marley and controversial music promoter, Balongun Eletu, also known as Sam Larry (currently in police custody), for questioning regarding the circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s demise.
Furthermore, the police revealed that pathologists have completed the autopsy on Mohbad and are awaiting the results. This development followed the exhumation of Mohbad’s body, which was carried out by a joint team comprising the Nigeria Police Force and health officials.
Additionally, the nurse who administered an injection to the deceased singer before his passing on September 12 has been apprehended by the police, further intensifying the investigation into this tragic event.