Melbourne citizens furious as Anthony Albanese spelled the city’s name incorrectly

By mispronouncing Melbourne’s name, Anthony Albanese has enraged citizens.

In a campaign speech in the city on Wednesday morning, the Opposition leader referred to Melburnians as Mel-BORE-nians.

When Australians, particularly Melbourne residents, pronounce the city, they skip several letters, making it sound more like Mel-bn.

The Labor leader, who has gone by the names Alba-knees, Alba-nay-zay, and Alban-ee-zee, pronounced it more like Americans, who utter the city’s name as written, with each letter pronounced.

‘All right, that’s it. I was going to vote for him, but that would be taking things too far. ‘Absolute nonsense,’ commented one irritated local on the internet.

The Sunrise hosts were so incensed by Mr Albanese’s error that they formed a commission to investigate it, with one saying it was because he’s a bogan’ who watched The Bourne Identity.

The mispronunciation tape was played by host Natalie Barr, who then switched to Bianca Stone at Seven’s Gold Coast studio.

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