A Nevada woman attacked a school bus driver for dropping off her children late

According to the Las Vegas Journal, a woman in Nevada was detained after assaulting the bus driver who was leaving off her kids an hour late.

According to the Las Vegas Journal, which cited police records, Elizabeth Tanner, 37, was detained in connection with an incident that happened on August 17 when she and two other parents jumped into the school bus in an effort to harm the driver, Vincente Linan.

According to the complaint, Linan was running behind schedule because he had to stop the car multiple times to keep the youngsters under control.

According to the Las Vegas Journal, Linan said to school district police that the reason he was late was because he had to stop three times because the kids were out of control.

Children were pulling the emergency window, climbing over seats, covering the security camera with tape, and in one occasion, a girl seized the wheel and said she was going to drive, according to the publication.

After Linan dropped off Tanner’s kid, the mother boarded the bus with three other parents and hit Linan four times in the face, according to video acquired by NBC station News 3.

The primary school administrator recognized Tanner in the CCTV video recorded from inside the bus, according to the Las Vegas Journal.

According to News 3 NBC, Tanner was charged with violence on a protected person, child abuse, negligence, damage of another’s property, interfering with a student’s attendance at school, and car burglary.

The district said that the “school bus is an extension of the classroom” in a statement to the Las Vegas Journal.

“While riding the school bus, students must adhere to the CCSD Pre-Kindergarten – 12 Student Code of Conduct. Any transgressions of the conduct code may be reported to the administration of the school for follow-up measures,” the declaration read.

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