A personal trainer explains how she helped a client shed fat and increase muscle in eight months

According to personal trainer Stefanie Tsengas, Haylee Corron, 21, was uncertain of herself when entering the gym for the first time. In their first meeting a year ago, Corron was unsure of how to begin an exercise regimen, but she desired to reduce weight, acquire muscle, and gain confidence in her body, according to the trainer from Cleveland.

Tsengas stated that she utilized Corron’s objective to devise a twice-weekly workout regimen that targeted the full body and was augmented progressively for optimal results. Corron stated that Tsengas frequently pushed her beyond her comfort zone, but shown to her how capable her body was.

In addition to exceeding Tsengas’s expectations at eight months, Corron earned the confidence to go to the gym two to three times per week on her own, in addition to their sessions together.

Tsengas stated that she and her customers saw progress by increasing weight and reps weekly.
Olivia Wenger/Stefania Tsengas Corron first mastered the fundamentals.

Tsengas, who was new to the club, stated that Corron’s introductory program emphasized the mastery of fundamental exercise techniques. She stated that she began Corron primarily on machines because they aid in stabilizing the body and are simpler to execute effectively.

Tsengas visited with Corron twice a week, which, according to her, is the norm for most people. Since Corron wasn’t trying to grow a specific muscle, Tsengas stated that she diversified her workouts into push, pull, and legs, an effective approach to ensure that every portion of the body is worked. According to Tsengas, Corron performed push-and-pull exercises one day and leg workouts the next.

The majority of push workouts target the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Tsengas began Corron by performing push movements such as the chest press, chest fly, shoulder press, dumbbell lateral raises, front raises, rear delt fly, and cable tricep push-downs.

According to Tsengas, pull workouts primarily target the back and biceps. She stated that lat pull-downs, single-arm dumbbell rows, pull-ups, and bicep curls were all included in Corron’s initial exercise regimen. She stated that a leg day for Corron consisted of squats, hip thrusts, lunges, leg extensions, and leg curls.

Each week, Tsengas added a bit more.

Tsengas stated that she ensured that Corron made incremental weekly growth. She progressively removed Corron from equipment and ensured that she recorded her workouts so that she could add to them each time.

“It’s always about increasing, whether it’s just one additional repetition, an additional set, a change in tempo, or a change in weight,” she said.

Progressive overload, according to Tsengas, is the process of continuously increasing the physical demands placed on the body to maximize benefits.

Many times, Corron felt that an exercise would be too hard for her, yet she was frequently shocked by what her body could handle. Seeing how rapidly she was advancing, she stated that her confidence grew rapidly.

Additionally, Tsengas focused specific muscular parts that Corron want to develop, such as the shoulders and glutes.

Corron stated that she observed an increase in muscle definition at the two-month mark, but the most evident fat reduction and muscle gain occurred when Tsengas took images at eight months. Corron stated that she gained a great deal of confidence in the gym after observing the program’s effectiveness. She has been training with Tsengas for more than a year.

Left: Corron at 0 weeks Correct: Corron at eight months

Thanks to Stefanie Tsengas

Consistency and dedication are crucial

Tsengas stated that consistency is the most critical aspect of beginning an exercise regimen. She stated that Corron’s greatest problem was sticking to a program despite mental and physical barriers.

Corron stated that training with Tsengas has taught her that improvement is typically slow, but that having more faith in herself and her body has allowed her to trust the process.

“From the time I first began working with her to the present, I have undergone numerous positive changes. But now I simply want to keep going, keep going, “She stated,

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