A rare kitten born with two faces in northern Thailand has defied all odds by surviving more than a couple of hours – and is now drinking milk from both its mouths

A unique kitten with two faces that was born in northern Thailand has surpassed all expectations by living for more than a few hours.

The kitten’s owner reported that it was born on Sunday in the county’s northern Lampang province and that it is currently consuming milk from both mouths.

He stated that the kitten had the names “Tung Ngern” (silver bag) on one side and “Tung Tong” on the other (bag of gold).

Owner Anuwat noticed the two-year-old mother cat was having difficulty with the second kitten after witnessing her deliver the first.

The 29-year-old was shocked when the two-faced kitten was removed during a Caesarian section at the neighbourhood animal hospital in Hang Chat.

In honour of the two-faced Roman god Janus, two-faced kittens, also referred to as Janus cats, rarely survive more than a day.

Later, he told the local media that he was certain they would perish.

However, he claimed he spent the following two days taking care of the cat after witnessing it “battle for its life.”

Since it was born, he claimed, he had rarely slept at all because it was unable to support its head and required constant care.

It entails just as much responsibility as raising a child.

I feared the brother was going to die, he continued. But it seems like the younger sibling struggled mightily to survive.

Because I have no experience, at first I thought I would give the kittens to someone who had previously taken care of such things.

But upon reflection, no one has ever previously cared for a two-faced cat.

The kitten with the two faces, four eyes, two noses, two mouths, and two ears is stated to be doing well and enjoying milk right now.

The average lifespan of a Janus kitten is just one day, however in 1999, a grey, two-faced cat named “Frank and Louie” who was born in Massachusetts lasted an amazing 15 years.

As the longest-surviving Janus cat, the cat entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 2012.