A sleep expert shares her best jet lag-fighting methods before, during, and after your flight

If you’ve ever flown across the county or the ocean, you’ve likely experienced jet lag, which is a mismatch between your typical daily activities and the time at your new destination.

If you cross more than a few time zones, your body will require time to adjust, and you may experience symptoms such as insomnia, exhaustion, and an overall sense of being “wrong.”

The good news about jet lag is that a little planning can go a long way. According to Sabra Abbott, associate professor of neurology in sleep medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, jet lag can be mitigated before, during, and after a flight. Here is her guidance.

What is jet lag?

Numerous body processes, including appetite and sleep, are governed by an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm. Sunlight is the most significant cue for the clock, as it sets a routine for your body to wake up and go to sleep at regular intervals.

When you enter a new time zone faster than your circadian rhythm can adjust, jet lag occurs.

“If you abruptly transition to a different time zone in which the light/dark cycle differs from your internal clock, it can take several days for all of these processes to catch up,” explains Abbott.

Although jet lag can affect individuals differently, it can induce the following symptoms:

Problems falling asleep and staying asleep
Decreased daytime alertness Daytime drowsiness Malaise general
gastrointestinal manifestations

According to studies, jet lag is more severe the more time zones a person crosses.

Because the body may more readily stretch its circadian rhythm than shorten it, it tends to be worse when traveling eastward as opposed to westward. In general, it is more difficult to go to bed earlier than usual than later.

Some individuals are more susceptible to jet lag than others: People who travel frequently may be influenced less because they’ve learned how to minimize severe symptoms, according to Abbott. However, studies have not determined why older people experience fewer bad effects. On the other hand, research indicates that individuals who have previously experienced jet lag are likely to suffer it again.

It may take many days to overcome jet lag; according to Abbott, the duration of jet lag is frequently proportional to the number of time zones crossed. Therefore, if you traveled across three time zones, you may feel better in that number of days. Abbott states, “This is an approximate average, but it can be shorter.” “Adaptation varies for each individual.”

What to do prior to departure

Abbott proposes gradually adjusting your schedule toward the new one each day a week before your trip to assist your circadian rhythm acclimatize to the new habit.

Suppose you typically go to bed at 11 p.m. Central Time, which is 5 a.m. in Paris. In the days preceding up to your trip, go to bed and wake up a bit earlier each night and day.

In order to modify your body’s hunger cues, Abbott also suggests eating closer and closer to the times you’ll be dining at your destination.

Note: If you are driving west, you should move things gradually later than usual.

Additionally, if you have an important occasion, it may be best to arrive a few days in advance so you can acclimatize.

Tips for flight duration

Abbott recommends attempting to adhere to your new time zone’s schedule during the flight in order to keep your body ready for the transition. If it is daytime at your destination, stay awake; if it is nighttime, attempt to sleep. The use of earplugs and anything to hide the eyes may aid in sleep.

Some people like overnight flights so they can sleep the entire time, making it easier to get through the next day and go to bed at a “regular” time. Note that this strategy only works if your flight is long enough to allow adequate quality sleep (Abbott suggests 7 to 10 hours).

Avoid consuming excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol during the journey. Both can exacerbate jet lag by interfering with sleep quality and circadian rhythm.

What to do upon arrival

Upon landing, you will likely be exhausted. However, avoid the temptation to take a three-hour nap during the day; napping at the incorrect time will just make it more difficult to go to sleep later.

If you must sleep, one hour should be sufficient to tide you over till night.

Abbott advises, “Get enough sleep so you can go through the rest of the day and go to bed at the new clock time instead of your home schedule.”

Caffeine can help you stay awake when you want to sleep, but too much caffeine late in the day will keep you up at night, according to Abbott.

According to research, taking a melatonin supplement before night can also assist in resetting your internal clock when traveling between time zones. “If you take melatonin outside of the window in which your body would ordinarily produce it, you can adjust your circadian rhythm,” Abbott explains. She recommends taking half to one milligram around one hour prior to bedtime.

Other studies have found that prescription sleep aids such as zolpidem (Ambien) can help persons with jet lag fall asleep at night during the first few days after arrival in a new time zone, but not with other jet lag symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress or irritability.

Before using any prescription drug, especially sleep aids, it is vital to consult your healthcare professional.

Practice sleep hygiene at bedtime to remind your body that it is time to rest. Abbott suggests closing the curtains and turning out all the lights to create a dark, quiet environment, as well as wearing earplugs or employing white noise.

Additionally, it can be beneficial to eat and be active at the same time each day. For instance, if you often eat lunch and then go for a walk at noon your time, doing the same in your new location can help your body adjust to the new timetable. Abbott says, “Everything you do can serve as a time cue, so strive to tailor these activities to your new timetable.”

Insider’s takeaway

More than a few time zones might cause your physiology to be disrupted, resulting in jet lag symptoms that can interfere with your travel routine. Consider preparing your body for your trip if possible, just as you would your travel logistics. “Jet lag cannot be prevented, but there are things you can do to assist your body adjust,” Abbott adds.

Emily Ashley Abramson

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