The British Academy has announced that actress Helen Mirren will pay tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II during the 2023 BAFTA awards ceremony on Sunday. The Queen had a special relationship with BAFTA for over 50 years and was well known for supporting the UK’s creative industries through her various patronages, according to the British Academy.
Mirren famously played the monarch in the 2006 film “The Queen,” which earned her an Oscar. In her acceptance speech, she praised the Queen’s dignity, sense of duty, and consistency, stating that she was grateful to her for being where she was.
The Queen, who had been the longest-reigning monarch, passed away in September 2022, surrounded by her family members at Balmoral Castle. Mirren expressed her admiration for the Queen’s nobility and declared herself proud to be an Elizabethan after learning of her passing.
The 76th annual BAFTA Awards ceremony is set to air on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 2 p.m.
»Actress Helen Mirren will honor late monarch Queen Elizabeth II during the 2023 BAFTA awards«