A man from Utah stated that his horse was returned to him eight years after it ran away and joined a herd of mustangs. Now that the horse is back at home, according to his owner, “he acts as if nothing ever occurred.”
Shane Adams of Fielding, Utah had not seen his favorite horse Mongo for years, he told KUTV.
Adams reported that he and Mongo were camping in the West Desert of Utah when a herd of mustangs rushed through their campsite. He informed the source that he hurried out of his tent and attempted to stop Mongo when the horse broke free from his tether, but Mongo managed to escape with the herd.
According to KUTV, Adams spent three years looking for his lost horse in the West Desert. He reported Mongo’s disappearance to the Bureau of Land Management, but stated his family had to move on as time passed.
Adams stated that he had “never in my life” anticipated a call from the bureau like the one he received last week, according to KUTV.
Officials observed a herd of mustangs near military grounds in Tooele County, Utah, at the end of September. According to KUTV, they saw that, unlike the other mustangs, Mongo “falls in step like he had been trained” and had a brand matching the description Adams gave nearly a decade earlier when he reported Mongo stolen.
Mongo, now approximately 18 years old, was reunited with Adams on his farm. KUTV said that although Mongo is a few hundred pounds underweight, he shows no other indications of his nearly decade of freedom.
“It is absurd. He acts exactly the same as before “Adams stated, as reported by the publication. “After eight years of outrageous behavior, he acts as if nothing had occurred.”