In this undated photo released by Jeopardy Productions, Inc., “Jeopardy!” presenter Ken Jennings poses with Amy Schneider, the winner of the show’s tournament of champions on November 21, 2022. Tyler Golden / Sony Pictures Television / Jeopardy Productions, Inc. / Courtesy of AP)
Monday’s episode of “Jeopardy!” featured the victory of Amy Schneider, a forty-game “Jeopardy!” champion, in a fiercely contested tournament of champions.
Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California, won three games in the tournament finals, edging out Andrew He, a software developer from nearby San Francisco, who won two games. Sam Buttrey, the third contender, was another Californian. He won one game.
Schneider’s 40-game winning run, the second-longest in the history of the game show, began when she defeated He earlier this year.
She stated that she both desired and dreaded a rematch with He, known for his cold-blooded large wagers on the show’s Daily Doubles.
Schneider stated, “I knew he was capable of defeating me because he had come close to doing so in the past, and he did it a couple of times here as well.” Any one of the three of us could have won if a tiny number of circumstances had transpired differently.
Schneider led He by $1,400 entering Final Jeopardy, where the clue was: “The January 12, 1864 Washington Evening Star reported on a presentation of this ‘dashing farce’ to a “full and pleased” audience.”
What is “Our American Cousin?” is the right response.
Both Schneider and He provided the correct response, but Schneider placed the larger wager. She earned the main prize of $250,000, he received $200,000 for coming in second, and Buttrey won $50,000.
John Wilkes Booth fatally killed President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, during a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre in Washington.