Simba the goat, which means lion in Swahili, was born just a few days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, but has already become a local celebrity.
The cute goat is roughly two weeks old, and his ears are so long that they drag on the floor as he moves.
Muhammad Hassan Narejo, Simba’s owner, is already a fan, saying, “We hope Simba will be a Guinness world record holder soon.”

Goat farming is a popular enterprise in Pakistan, largely due to its adaptability to the country’s various topography.
There is presently no goat with the largest ears in the Guinness World Records, although there are canines with the same distinction.

Goats have long ears in general, but Nubian goats, which are said to be Simba’s breed, have the longest ears of any animal.
Goat ears are quite significant because they assist in keeping goats cool in hot weather.
Temperatures in Pakistan fluctuate due to the varied topography, however in the summer, peak temperatures can reach 47°C.
Fortunately for Simba, summer temperatures are somewhat cooler – but still very hot, hitting the mid-thirties on a regular basis.