After advertising a Halloween party with a serial killer theme and including images of Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy, a university nightclub was obliged to issue an apology.
The Rock City nightclub event notice that had been put to the Crisis student night Instagram page was quickly removed after University of Nottingham students called it “tone-deaf” and “triggering.”
The party will still go place as planned on October 31st, according to a Crisis spokeswoman, but it will now have a generic Halloween theme.
On Friday night, the club’s Instagram page posted the first promotional poster, which included the mugshots of notorious murderers Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Rose West, John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Ramirez. The image was instantly met with criticism.
I believe this is a little tone-deaf, if I’m being honest, said one commenter in response to the original article.
The post was removed 16 hours later.
A student who worked as a nightclub promoter posted an open letter in which she expressed her concerns about the theme night.
She remarked: “I find it ludicrous that we would have students dressed like these characters, inside a nightclub. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer were both infamous for pursuing their victims at nightclubs.
Considering that a student nightclub encourages it by making it the subject of the evening, people shouldn’t be permitted to dress up as serial murderers for Halloween.
More than 990 people liked the post, which caused Crisis to publicly respond and express her worries.
The event’s organizers apologized, stating that they “realized this was an uncomfortable and hurtful notion.”
We would want to express our sincere regret to everyone we have insulted or upset.
The statement made clear that neither Rock City Nightclub nor the Students’ Union had anything to do with picking the theme, and it promised to communicate with customers in the future before holding theme nights.
Despite the criticism, there are no more available seats for the event; they cost between £7.40 and £9.70.