Along with Yemen, South Sudan, and Afghanistan, the Central African Republic currently has one of the highest percentages of people who are critically food insecure in the entire world

Along with Yemen, South Sudan, and Afghanistan, the Central African Republic currently has one of the highest percentages of people who are critically food insecure in the entire world.

36% of the population, or 2.2 million individuals, lack access to enough food in the nation.

A significant portion of this population resides in areas afflicted by conflict, where unrest and displacement have limited the amount of land that can be used for farming and impeded access to markets and fields.

The effects of the conflict in Ukraine are making the situation worse, and by August, prices for staple foods are expected to rise by up to 70%.

In light of this, the Central Emergency Action Fund (CERF) rapid response window was used by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Martin Griffiths, to allocate US$15 million for life-saving efforts to combat food insecurity in the nation.

In 10 sub-prefectures where food insecurity is the worst, the CERF funds will aid actors in scaling up comprehensive emergency assistance for 200,000 people.

In a situation of extreme deprivation, a multi-sectoral strategy integrating food assistance, nutrition, healthcare, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and protection will maximise the impact of food security interventions and lessen people’s use of harmful coping mechanisms linked to food scarcity.

According to Ms. Denise Brown, the Central African Republic’s humanitarian coordinator, “the allotment provides a much-needed respite for thousands of individuals who are fighting to eat one meal a day.”

“Preserving lives is our top priority. When possible, people will be able to restart farming thanks to this emergency reaction, which will also assist address malnutrition.

Additionally, it will guarantee that people have access to clean water and medical care, two essential conditions for consuming enough food, she continued.

By distributing agricultural equipment and seeds, six United Nations entities will increase food distributions, cash transfers, and livelihoods.

In addition to these efforts, nutritional assistance will be stepped up to treat and prevent child malnutrition and give chronically undernourished families access to safe drinking water, minimal sanitation services, and the good hygiene practices necessary for life.

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