Amid concerns over an 80% price increase, many might “disconnect” from gas and electricity, says Charles Flint

A government consultant has warned that many would be forced to cut off their gas and electricity due to an anticipated 80% spike in rates.

Charities estimate that 8.5 million homes might be forced into fuel poverty at the same time.

This morning, the energy regulator Ofgem will announce a modification to the price limit, with the increase anticipated to be over 80%.

This morning, the energy regulator Ofgem will announce a modification to the price limit, and the amount is anticipated to increase by almost 80%.

People may 'disconnect themselves,' said Government adviser Caroline Flint

People may 'disconnect themselves,' said Government adviser Caroline Flint

People could “disengage,” according to government advisor Caroline Flint.

Industry experts predict that starting on October 1, the average yearly cost would increase from £1,971 to at least £3,500 and maybe as much as £3,700.

The chairperson of the Committee on Fuel Poverty and government advisor Caroline Flint said on BBC Radio 4’s Today program that the danger is not so much that individuals would be disconnected by energy providers as it is that they will disconnect themselves.

They may not have prepared meals or not turned on their heaters because they believe that it is a waste of energy.

Pre-payment meters users are most at danger since they won’t be able to pay for top-ups.

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