Amputated aging dog in contention for pet of the year tittle in the United States

In contention for the title of pet of the year in the United States is an aging dog whose front paws were amputated by members of a Mexican drug cartel.

An animal sanctuary on the outskirts of Mexico City has 500 residents, and Pay de Limon (Lemon Pie) is already well-known among them.

He has appeared on numerous worldwide television shows, such as The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Thanks to a nomination for the title of “America’s Favorite Pet,” which carries a $5,000 award and is published in Dogster Magazine, Pay de Limon’s celebrity may now soar to new heights.

For a dog whose toes were amputated by gang members as practice for torturing kidnap victims, receiving the medal would signal another extraordinary turning point in its life.

According to Patricia Ruiz, the shelter’s founder, “Milagros Caninos received a call 14 years ago reporting that a dog’s front paws had been amputated and tossed in the trash.”

Pay de Limon was saved and now uses American-made prosthetics to run and walk.

According to organizers, he is presently in the lead in the dog category of “America’s Favorite Pet” based on votes gathered from the general public thus far.

According to a brief biography on the competition website that calls him a “hero,” “His life is an example of courage.”

It continues, “Perhaps because it is a straightforward, harsh, and poignant illustration of the savagery of the drug gangs, the Pay de Limon case has affected Mexicans.

The shelter claims that initially there were some risks involved in caring for Pay de Limon.

During his tenure at Milagros Caninos, the shelter said, “We had him concealed for several months out of fear of retaliation until we determined it was time for him to have a normal life like the others.”

Ruiz founded the shelter following the suffocation death of her own dog, Salchicha.

She remarked, “I made a decision then and there that I would help every dog in need.

“Dogs are only admitted to Milagros Caninos in dire circumstances. dogs who have been burned, tortured, rendered crippled, raped, drugged, beaten, orphaned, blind, deaf, or cancer-ridden “She spoke.

Fresa (Strawberry), who had reconstructive surgery after having her face broken when she attempted to steal meat from a butcher, is one of the other inhabitants.

According to the dog’s bio, which also states that Fresa “is not spiteful” despite her horrible past, “now she is extremely happy.”

Chocolata was tied up and dragged behind a truck, losing both of her front paws and requiring prosthetics.

She was on the edge of death and in need of an amputation when the cops brought her to the shelter.

According to the dog’s bio, “she is learning to walk little by little.”

According to Ruiz, Milagros Caninos has taken in between 3,000 and 4,000 dogs over the course of 18 years.

The shelter depends on contributions to cover its monthly cost of more than $30,000, which equates to four tons of dog food.

»Amputated aging dog in contention for pet of the year tittle in the United States«

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