A shocking social media video captures the terrifying moment a guy appears to be abusing a black woman on a train before another customer steps in to save her.
The angry man can be seen in the video angrily assaulting two young female riders while the train is moving quickly and late at night toward Sydney’s central business district.
The man yells and points aggressively at the girls as they get up from their chairs.
The man speaks incoherently to one of the women while wearing wrap shades, fingerless gloves, and a cap.
Then, her companion moves in between them, requesting that he refrain from speaking to her in this way.
As other commuters clearly freeze in their positions, the man becomes more and more irritated.
However, a man wearing a black baseball cap walks in front of the girls and demands that they take his seat.
He takes the seat behind the agitated traveller, saying, “Let me sit there.”
The man in the sunglasses yells and waves wildly while pointing at other passengers.
He then repeatedly yells “police,” to which a fellow passenger retorted, “Yeah, you’re going to see them.”
Then, when the two females moved away, the unruly passenger roared after them, apparently saying: “Get the f*** away before I smack your f***ing neck in.”
He is then told plainly, “You’re not going to smack anyone,” by the man in the baseball cap.
The man then appears to assume the girls are Muslims and says, “F*** (their) god, f*** Islamic and your corruption, you b****,” before informing the passengers they are all under arrest.
“You’re not going to do nothing,” I repeated. Be quiet. The man who interrupted says, “You’re not going to do nothing.”
The distressed passenger starts to say, “I’m going to,” but the man in the black cap again cuts him off.
He responds, “No, no, no, no, you’re going to respect everyone here.”
The passenger continues his tirade, and the man in the black cap takes the worst of it, sitting behind him to keep him in control for the remainder of the trip.
One commenter on the original article said, “I have seen this exact same guy on a train to Central recently, he was cursing and carrying on in the same way.. so aggravating he’s allowed to keep coming on trains and behaving like a w***er.”
Another person added, “He must be doing the rounds because someone else here saw him kicking off at Hornsby station.”
Other viewers claimed to have run into the irate man from the video, and many of them speculated that he had PTSD or a serious drug problem.
Commenters praised the enigmatic man in the black cap right away for stepping in.
The folks who stepped in, corrected him, and defused the explosive situation are the genuine legends, one person wrote.
Thank you for the bigger man standing up, sitting down, and maintaining a noticeable presence. Another appreciative traveller said, “He kept everything okay.
Salutations to the black hat wearer. Well done, sir,” said one more.