According to the co-founder of a homosexual rights organisation, fear and anti-lesbian prejudice lead many youngsters to mistakenly assume they have “gender identity difficulties” when they are really struggling with their developing sexuality. A tribunal heard this argument.
The LGB Alliance has maintained its beliefs that “sexual orientation is about biological sex” when a transgender rights organisation questioned the organization’s nonprofit status.
Mermaids, a nonprofit that assists transgender kids and their families, filed an appeal last year challenging the Charity Commission’s decision to give the LGB Alliance legal status.
It is said to be the first occasion a charity has attempted to have another charity’s charitable status revoked.
Bev Jackson, a co-founder of the LGB Alliance, expressed worry about “consequences for young homosexual males” as a result of “matters being muddled as if LGBT was all one thing” at a hearing in the General Regulatory Chamber in London today.
Ms. Jackson said in a witness statement that the group agreed with J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, that “without sex there is no same sex desire.”
Mermaids’ chair of trustees, Dr. Belinda Bell, said in a separate statement provided as part of the proceedings: “One of the reasons Mermaids has been particularly worried about LGB Alliance is that, from its founding, it has continually focused its efforts on children.
‘As far as I can tell, LGB Alliance seems to recognise the existence of adult trans individuals and that they need to have access to healthcare that is gender affirming.
However, the LGB Alliance seems to hold the position that trans youngsters do not exist or cannot be aware of their gender identity until maturity based on its public statements.
Ms. Jackson argued before the court in response that youth who are suffering with sexual orientation difficulties now have nowhere to turn to talk about same-sex desire that is not dependent on gender identity.
For people who are struggling with gender identity difficulties, there are several options available, including Mermaids.
When they are really struggling with their developing lesbian/gay sexual orientation, many youth, particularly lesbians, mistakenly feel that they have “gender identity” difficulties due to anti-lesbian prejudice and fear.
However, according to Dr. Bell’s statement, LGB Alliance intended to “undermine” the efforts of organisations like Mermaids and Stonewall.
It stated: “A primary objective of the LGB Alliance is to undercut the work of a broad range of organisations that it claims have pushed trans rights at the expense of women, children, and LGB persons.
“Mermaids has been the second-largest target of its efforts, after Stonewall, and we have endured some of its harshest abuse without ceasing.”
I’ve previously spoken about how LGB Alliance has often claimed in open forums that Mermaids tries to push LGB kids in an improper way to identify as trans.
Such claims are untrue and detrimental to the continued work of Mermaids.
The LGBT rights movement, which is controlled by the premise that gender identity rather than sex is definitive of what it means to be a lesbian, gay, or bisexual, has, in our opinion, essentially supplanted the LGB rights movement,’ Ms. Jackson said in defending her organization’s stance.
According to what I understand, every one of these organisations today promotes the idea that gender identity should supersede biological sex in all spheres of public life and the law.
‘LGB Alliance opposes this perspective. The LGB Alliance upholds and advocates for the idea that sexual orientation is a matter of biology and sex.
While there are numerous organisations who embrace the stance that sexual orientation is dependent on gender, to my knowledge, we are the only LGB charity that does so.
On Friday when the hearing is over, a judge will make a decision about whether LGB Alliance should maintain its charity status.