Arbor Day partnerships enable native tree planting in schools

New partnerships with international and Kiwi-based environmental organisations reflect the Government’s commitment to working with communities to support native afforestation.
Forestry Minister Stuart Nash announced partnerships with the Trees That Count and Trees for Survival programmes, as well as with the international Arbor Day Foundation, at a community planting event in Havelock North on New Zealand Arbor Day 2022.
“New Zealand has a proud history of celebrating Arbor Day, going all the way back to the first documented tree planting event that took place in 1890 in the Wairarapa. These new partnerships with internationally-recognised organisations are a great opportunity to better promote conservation throughout the country,” Stuart Nash said.
“Through Te Uru Rākau–New Zealand Forest Service, we’re partnering with local initiatives to reinvigorate the brand of Arbor Day and encourage primary school children get involved with native tree planting.
“We’re entering into a multi-year partnership with Trees That Count to support schools to connect with native planting opportunities, as well as building relationships between schools and nurseries.
“We’re providing funding to Trees for Survival through the Matariki Tu Rākau grant, to enable the planting of 35,000 native plants by 40 different schools in 37 locations across Aotearoa.
“I’m also pleased to announce a five-year partnership with the globally-respected Arbor Day Foundation, which will facilitate reforestation initiatives as well as supporting ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and storage.
“Tree planting, especially with native trees, is a proven method to slow down the effects of climate change and improve biodiversity outcomes. The trees we plant and the actions we take now will influence our future,” Stuart Nash said.

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