The college student from Argentina who is shown in the “Girl Explaining” meme has finally explained how the popular image came to be.
The funny meme portrays Denise Sánchez attending a seashore event in the Buenos Aires municipality of Claromecó in February 2019 with her arm stretched forward and seems to be screaming in her ex-ear. boyfriend’s
The 21-year-old claimed to be rhyming along to a song when a young lady in front of them posed for a shot that they unintentionally photobombed. She also claimed that her partner was genuinely sleepy since it was becoming late.
“I recall that she tweeted about it. What a bummer, she said. Because those two youngsters with that face were at the rear, they screwed up the photo, Sánchez said in a phone interview on Monday. She was giggling because we were in the background of the picture and she looked lovely, but she was unable to upload it online because of us.
The nutrition major first saw the infamous photo being repurposed as a meme by an Instagram account of a dietitian she follows.
There, Sánchez recalled, “I saw how it was spreading, and numerous sites of memes from Argentina started to post it.”
According to the meme database Know Your Meme, the image was mostly used in memes created by Spanish-speaking social media users.
As recently as last week, the photograph eventually became viral on social media platforms centred in the United States.
A cellphone service provider joined in the fun in an attempt to persuade consumers to sever ties with rival providers.
Then he completely switched, Cricket Wireless said in a tweet late on Friday. “SO MY FRIEND WAS LIKE ‘PREPAID IS WACK’ AND I WAS LIKE ‘FAM, CRICKET HAS 5G, GREAT PLANS, AND ALL OF THE SMARTPHONES IN THE GAME’
Another user used the image to make fun of the contentious NFT movement on Twitter.
“At the start of the year, I bought a cute picture of a penguin from the blockchain. THEY WROTE, “IT’S CALLED AN NFT, HAVE YOU HEARD OF THEM. I believe it is worthless now, but I continue because I love art.
Sánchez is now handling the fact that she is the subject of a humorous global meme with grace. She even acknowledges that she hasn’t yet added her own caption to the image for use on her own social media accounts.
The reality is that I handle things with tremendous elegance and composure. “Because I’m rather extroverted, I don’t mind being exposed. So, I’m not embarrassed. I laughed a lot at the context they gave it.