Ashley James Barton, 37, is sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping and “gas-lighting” a former lover

Ashley James Barton, 37, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping and “gas-lighting” a former lover. The judge deemed him to be a threat to women.

The vicious criminal will need to call the police if he has any more intimate relationships because of his horrifying history of harming ex-girlfriends.

In relation to his most recent victim, a woman in her 30s, between December 2020 and February 2021, Mr. Barton was found guilty of one count of assault by beating and two counts of rape.

In a sex attack, Mr. Barton punched her in the face without cause, leaving her with a black eye and her afraid for her life, Isleworth Crown Court heard.

When giving testimony, Mr. Barton presented himself as the victim and displayed no remorse for his acts.

He referred to his female victim as a liar and claimed that she was the one who was abusing him.

You didn’t care how much you were hurting her, Judge Hannah Duncan told Mr. Barton.

You have consistently argued that the victim was unstable and a liar.

You present yourself as a “hero in shining armour,” but in your interactions with the complaint, you made an effort to discredit her whenever possible.

“You gaslighted her and humiliated her, and as a result, her self-confidence is in ruins.

Both then and now, you were manipulative and lacked understanding.

“You exhibit a deeply ingrained kind of misogyny in both your past and present behaviour.” You exhibit a pattern of behaviour that is quite unsettling.

“It is really concerning that you have not demonstrated an acceptance of responsibility.”

You have a serious chance of committing other crimes against women.

Barton is a dangerous serial offender who has previously been found guilty on numerous occasions of violently assaulting women that he was in a relationship with, according to Detective Constable Chris Willey of the Central West Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) unit based at Charing Cross police station.

‘His criminal behaviour has escalated over time with the physical assaults becoming more regular and violent eventually leading to him perpetrating the rapes against the victim in this case.

He is a highly violent person who targets women when they are most defenceless with his rage.

It is only appropriate that he was given a lengthy prison term during which he will not be able to victimise women ever more.

The Sexual Harm Prevention Order that has already been placed on him will significantly limit his ability to commit crimes once he is released.

“The victim in this situation displayed exceptional bravery.”

Unfortunately, she has had to relive her horror twice in court, and it takes tremendous strength to do this.

Now that the legal process is over, I hope she can go on and find some closure. We’ll keep helping her out in whatever way we can.

I sincerely hope that the victim’s bravery in this case will inspire all victims of sexual abuse of any kind to speak to us, said PC Sol Bhugaloo, who stood by the victim throughout the inquiry.

You will have the devoted support of police with specialised training, like myself, and you will be given a chance to be heard.

Despite his denials, Mr. Barton was found guilty on two counts of rape and one count of assault by beating.

He was sentenced to 12 years in prison and had to follow a Sexual Harm Prevention Order [SHPO], one of whose requirements is that he notify the police of any romantic ties he has. The order is unconditional.

Additionally, Mr. Barton was permanently added to the Sex Offenders Register.

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