After getting into a car accident and seeing your medical bills and other expenses add up, you may be wondering how much money you can get from taking the responsible party to court. Before thinking about compensation, the first thing you need to do is find a car accident injury lawyer in San Antonio. Once you have them in place, they can give you a better idea of what to expect from the process.
Ask a Car Accident Injury Lawyer in San Antonio: How Much Is My Claim Worth? On average, the payout after a car accident is around $53,000. The range of payouts can go from $3,000 to $25,000, with some individual cases getting more than $25,000. The amount of money you get will depend on several factors, including whether your case goes to trial or is settled out of court or how good your lawyer is.
To find a lawyer and get more specific information relative to your case, click here and ask about your chances of getting the money you deserve for the injuries you sustained during the accident.
Different Types of Damages
When it comes to calculating how much money you may get for your case, the types of damages you’ve sustained will be considered. The two common types of damages include special damages and general damages.
What Are Special Damages?
Special damages are also referred to as “hard costs” or “economic damages.” These are the amounts of money that you’ve lost that can be measured and often include medical bills and other expenses, as well as lost wages.
What Are General Damages?
General damages are also referred to as “non-economic damages.” These are the losses you’ve endured that can’t be measured by the amount of money that has been lost. More often than not, general damages are the “pain and suffering” you’ve undergone that have impacted you since the accident and will continue to impact you into the future.
How Is Your Compensation Calculated?
When it comes to your injury compensation, your lawyer will take into account the special damages and general damages and add those amounts together. The special damages are the foundation for the compensation amount, as it’s easy to prove how much money you’ve had to spend to get better after the accident. To make this process easy on yourself and your lawyer, keep any information that pertains to the following:
- Past wages and potential lost future wages
- Medical bills, including any expenses for nursing care or therapy
- Out-of-pocket expenses for transportation to appointments, medication, or medical devices
- Costs of damaged personal property or lost items
- Costs of childcare, housekeeping, or other household expenses that couldn’t be paid while you were injured
Calculating General Damages
It’s not quite as easy to calculate how much you should be paid for general damages, as the amount of pain and suffering you have undergone won’t be the same as anyone else’s. Since each case is different, your lawyer will have to consider your unique situation and come up with a number that covers the cost of what you’ve been through. Some of the general damages that will be considered include:
- Emotional distress
- Anxiety and depression
- Physical aches and pains
- Lack of concentration • Loss of ability to care for your family
- Loss of sleep
Factors That May Impact Your Injury Payouts
Your lawyer will do their best to make sure you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries you sustained in the car accident, but they can’t guarantee that you’ll get anything. There are a number of factors that may impact your injury payouts, and if you have verified facts and strong evidence, you have a greater chance of getting money from the guilty party. Some factors that may help get higher payouts include where you live and the average cost of injuries, if you suffered from permanent injuries, or punitive damages, which are awarded if the person at fault was engaged in egregious behavior. Some factors that may lower your compensation payments include
if you had a prior injury or pre-existing condition.
What Happens After a Calculation Is Figured?
Once your lawyer has come up with a compensation number that they think is fair, it will then be sent to the insurance adjuster. Keep in mind that most insurance companies rarely agree to the initial demand for payment. More often than not, they will review your demand and may even conduct their own investigation to determine how you and your lawyer arrived at the numbers. There are a lot of factors that go into determining how much your car accident claim is worth. Working with a lawyer to get the highest amount possible is in your best interest.
»Ask a Car Accident Injury Lawyer: How Much Is My Claim Worth?«