Australia to deport Indian family because their child’s Down syndrome is deemed taxpayer burden

A family from India, Krishna and Aneesh, are facing deportation from Australia because their 10-year-old son, Aaryan, who has Down syndrome, has been denied permanent residency.

The Australian Federal Government has labeled Aaryan a significant cost to society, with his care costing about $664,000 over 10 years, with a large part of that sum being carer payments and special education services.

However, the family has denied needing a carer or special services as their children are privately schooled and have private health too.

Krishna and Aneesh, highly skilled workers in the telecommunications and cyber security industries, moved to Perth seven years ago, and are now facing deportation in less than two weeks.

The family had their application for permanent residency and an appeal rejected, and are currently on a bridging visa until March 15.

The family has started a petition to have the decision to reject their application for permanent residency reversed. If deported, they face leaving their home and returning to India, which would have a significant impact on their children, with Aaryan being categorized as a financial burden to society, and their daughter having to leave the country she has known as home for the past seven years. The Immigration Minister’s office declined to comment due to privacy reasons.

»Australia to deport Indian family because their child’s Down syndrome is deemed taxpayer burden«

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