Despite having modest symptoms, former president Bill Clinton said on Wednesday that he had tested positive with COVID-19. He urged others to be immunized. The 76-year-recent old’s health crisis comes after a short hospitalization last year and various surgery since 2004.
“Overall, I’m doing well, and I keep myself occupied at home. I’m thankful for my booster shots and vaccinations, which have kept my condition low, and I encourage everyone to get the same shots, particularly as we go into the winter “On Twitter, Clinton said.
In October 2021, Clinton spent five nights in a California hospital being treated for a blood illness before leaving the facility with his wife, Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state.
He had a quadruple bypass surgery in 2004 at the age of 58 after physicians discovered significant heart problems.
He had stents put into his coronary artery six years later.
This led him to switch to a vegetarian diet and openly discuss how his new eating habits had improved his health.
After undergoing successful heart surgery, Clinton told ABC News in 2004 that “maybe if I had… not eaten so many hamburgers and steaks, which I enjoy, and maybe if I had, you know, had somewhat less stress in my life… maybe things would have been different.”
Between 1993 through 2001, Clinton served as president for two terms.
He has dedicated himself to several humanitarian and diplomatic issues in the 20 years since leaving the White House.
He visited disaster regions and raised money for the battle against AIDS while traveling the globe. He did this in addition to receiving big speaking fees and attending conferences.
Clinton, who once referred to himself as “the comeback kid” during the Democratic Party primary fight in 1992, endorsed his wife’s vain attempt to unseat Donald Trump as president in 2016.
In recent years, he has been traveling less and his speed has gradually dropped.
The Clintons are now residing in Chappaqua, New York.
»Bill Clinton reveals he has COVID-19«