A bondage-obsessed middle-aged mother who ran a fetish Facebook page under the name “Rosie Cheek” and collected pornographic photographs of children now faces prison time.
Julie Barnes’s Widnes, Cheshire, residence was searched by police after she was linked to an X-rated social media account containing graphic images of youngsters between the ages of five and sixteen.
The 57-year-old informed detectives that the photographs, which were downloaded over a three-year period, were part of a vast number of sexual images supplied by admirers to her fetish website.
Barnes has already pled guilty to multiple counts of possession of indecent photos and faces up to three years in jail.
She posted photographs of herself in negligees on the page, but she also collected lewd images of youngsters.
Barnes referred to herself as “Big Blonde and Beautiful” on her fetish website, which has reportedly since been deleted, and uploaded images of herself in negligees.
Her personal Facebook page continues to display slave-themed bondage photographs beside a cat-o-nine-tails and the phrase, “I want it, beautiful.” However, Barnes later told a fan, ‘Am not understanding it, no one to play with xx’
At the Warrington magistrates court in Cheshire, she pleaded guilty to five counts, including possession of 47 indecent photographs of children and separate counts of possessing six photographs in the most serious category A, eight photographs in category B, and 33 photographs in category C.
Categorized as A are photographs depicting penetrating sexual action, sexual behavior with animals, and sadism.
Additionally, she admitted to possessing three unlawful photographs. All alleged offenses occurred between 1 March 2018 and 23 December 2021.
The courts determined that she may face up to three years in prison because the case was so grave. Next month, she will be sentenced at the Liverpool Crown Court.
On his website, Barnes posted a photo of a cat-o-nine-tails with the message, “I want it… it’s beautiful.”
She also uploaded photographs of items emblazoned with the word’slave,’ as well as others depicting bondage.
Barnes admitted at Warrington Magistrates’ Court to multiple counts of possessing indecent pictures of children.
The middle-aged mother claimed authorities she had received the images as part of a significant quantity of sexual material from followers.
Previously, Barnes appeared in court with her daughter and two walking sticks.
Angela Blackmore, the prosecutor, stated, “The defendant has no prior convictions, and she pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity, so she will receive credit for a sentence reduction.”
“The offenses were discovered in June 2021.” Cheshire Police were informed that Rosie Cheek 5268 had uploaded obscene photos of children and a small number of images to her Facebook account a few days previously.
“An internet provider address inquiry produced the Widnes residence of Miss Barnes.
‘Consequently, on December 23, at 6:50 a.m., the Online Child Abuse Investigation Team executed a search warrant.
“Two cell phones were confiscated, one of which belonged to her and the other to one of her children.
Due to her bad condition, it was decided not to arrest her at the time, and she was requested to appear for an interview following the investigation’s conclusion.
Images discovered on her phone were of children aged five to sixteen. There were six category A items, eight category B items, and 33 category C items. Three were forbidden.
She was subsequently interviewed on September 9, 2012’ She was presented with the examination results.
“In a prepared statement, the defendant admitted to possessing indecent images of children and three prohibited images,”
She said that she did not actively seek out the photographs, but that they were submitted to her fetish Facebook page. Due to the nature of the account, she had received numerous sexually explicit photographs.
When specific questions were posed to her, she declined to comment.
In an interview, she acknowledged that she had no interaction with children.
She continued, ‘Due to the low quantity of category A photos, the minimum detention period is 12 months, with a range of six to three years.
‘Typically, this would be heard by the crown court. Her guilty plea and lack of prior convictions will be taken into account when determining the duration of her sentence.’
Prosecutors will seek a Sexual Harm Prevention Order against Barnes, who has already been compelled to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register.
In mitigation Barnes’s lawyer, Marcela Salter, said, ‘As my friend notes, this is a case that would typically have gone to the crown court.
Barnes was escorted to court by her daughter, where she was informed the magistrates lacked the authority to condemn her.
One of the photographs shared on the Facebook page depicts her face covered with what appears to be a gimp mask depicting bondage.
‘There are two references, one from the defendant’s daughter, who is seated in the back of the court, and the other from her sister, who was present for the initial hearing.
‘There is also a brief letter from her primary care physician detailing her medical difficulties and the impact immediate detention would have on this defendant.
On February 23, the magistrates forwarded the case to the Liverpool Crown Court for sentencing.
Chairman Graham Griffiths stated, “Because these matters are so grave, they will not be heard today; instead, they will be forwarded to the crown court.”
We consider that our sentencing capabilities are inadequate.
Barnes was granted bail on the condition that she has no unsupervised contact with children under the age of 16 and does not reside, enter, or remain in a residence where children under the age of 16 are present.
Other criteria include disclosing any internet-accessible devices she may possess. Any such gadget she possesses must be available for police inspection and must maintain a record of her internet searches.
»Bondage-loving mom who managed Facebook fetish page risks jail for uploading child abuse photos«